Cause and Effect
Context Clues
Technical Text

A boy is riding his bike down the street and runs over a nail. What could be a possible effect of running over the nail?

What is a flat tire?


When writing a summary, you write about 2 things the  ______    _______ and the _____   _______.

What is the main idea and the key details?


An inference is a _________ you can make based on key details in the story.

What is conclusion?


A context clue is a clue in a sentence that gives us hint to what an _________ word might mean.

What is unfamiliar or not known?


What is an example of a technical text?

What is a recipe, instructions to a game, directions on how to make or build something, a science experiment, etc.?

When something happens there is usually a reason of why it has happened, this is the __________. ( hint: cause or effect?

What is cause?


What should be the first sentence in your summary?

What is the main idea?


It is dark in here. I hear bats flying. I hear water dripping....... where am I?

What is a cave?


The  décor, including the fancy lights, beautiful paintings, and nice furniture made the house look beautiful.

What does the word décor mean? Look at the words around it in the sentence. 

What is decorations/decorate? 


Technical texts will give you _________ on how to complete a task.

What is instructions or directions?


When you heat water on the stove, the effect is______

What is the water will start to boil?


What is the "main idea" of a story?

What is, what the story is mostly about?


This thing keeps going faster and faster, up and down, and over and around. It tickles my tummy. The girls behind me are screaming. I hope I don't fall out of my seat..... where am I?

What is on a rollercoaster?


Sometimes a clue could be a word that has the opposite meaning ( antonym).

Example: The vast mall could not compare to the tiny store.

What is the meaning of the word vast?

What is big/large/huge?


It is important to follow the sequence or order when reading a technical text. True or False?

What is true?


Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider , who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.

What is the cause of Miss Muffet running away?

What is a spider sat down beside her?


What makes a "key detail" in a story?

What is, gives us information about the main idea?


I am sitting here with my parents all dressed up. The flowers are pretty. The music is starting. Here she comes down the aisle. I wish they would hurry so I could have some cake! Where am I?

What is a wedding?


Sometimes the clue will be a word that has a similar meaning ( synonym).

Example: The heat from the intense rays of the sun was scorching.

What is the meaning of the word scorching?

What is hot/very hot?


What are some "signal" words that lets the reader know that there is a step or direction coming?

What  is first, next, then, after, etc.?


Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider , who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.

What is the effect of  the spider  sitting down beside her?

What is it frightened Miss Muffet away?


When I ask you to summarize what you did last Summer, what are you going to tell me?

What is, the fun and exciting things I did throughout the Summer?


How will I ever decide? Look at all these choices, chocolate, gummy worms, candy corn, jawbreakers, and lollipops. Boy, this is my favorite store in the mall? Where am I?

What is a candy store?


What are the 3 different types of context clues that you can look for when trying to define an unfamiliar word.

What is an example, a antonym, and a synoynm? 


Why you complete a step or direction is not important. True of False?

What is false?