Health triangle/continuum
Mental health

What are the three sides of the health triangle? Give at least two examples of each side. 

Physical, Mental/emotional and social


Anxiety disorder may have the following signs/symptoms (select all that apply)

Worry, shaking, sweating, eating (more or less), breathing issues, chest pain, nausea   


Select all of the class rules that apply in the Health 1 classroom

No speaking while others are speaking, be respectful to all, try our best


Respond to the scenario to determine if this person is "overall healthy". 

Raj loves to play sports and is on a few school teams. He struggles in school though. He tries to avoid his problems by playing video games. 

Would you consider this person overall healthy? Why or why not?

Which sides the triangle does this person have and which sides is he/she missing?

How can this person  improve his/her health? 

Where would this person fall on the health continuum and why?

Has- physical

Lacking - mental and social


Elaborate on the reason anxiety impacts someones overall health and quality of life. This response should be a minimum of four sentences and include at least one example. (Creating)

Make connections make to the health triangle, includes an example. 


Select all of the negative consequences in this class for not following the rules.

Verbal warning, phone call home, detentions 


Respond to the scenario to determine if this person is "overall healthy". 

Jen has many friends who she socializes and goes out with often. She is generally a very happy person and feels great about herself. However, she does not participate in any physical activity such as sports or going to the gym.

Would you consider this person overall healthy? Why or why not?

Which sides the triangle does this person have and which sides is he/she missing?

How can this person  improve his/her health? 

Where would this person fall on the health continuum and why?

Has - Social and Mental/emotional

Lacks - Physical 


Determine if this person is most likely depressed or should be put on suicide watch. 

Julie is a junior in high school. She hasn’t been able to sleep lately because she feels like her life is “spinning out of control”. She often hides in her room and cries about her poor life decisions. She also feels so anxious she hasn’t been eating much. Her family has noticed she looks a lot thinner and is starting to worry but she refuses to talk about it. 

 Is this depression or should this person be put on suicide watch? Explain using the “red flags”/signs/symptoms. 

Determine/predict what may have caused this person to feel this way.

What should he/she do now? Give advice based on what we discussed in class.

What is the relationship or connection between this person’s depression and/or suicidal thoughts and their mental health?



What is the difference between being health educated and health literate? 

Health education - Provides you with the information

Health literate - using and applying the information. 


Using the health continuum from question three, pick a person (you, family member, someone famous, friend, etc.) to describe and explain where on the continuum he/she would currently fall and explain why in a minimum of four sentences. Be as specific as possible with examples.

Must include the examples/explanation that fits. 


What are the steps to Maslow's hierarchy of needs with examples? Elaborate on why this is viewed as a "step" to achieve your fullest potential.

Motivation, five levels, build off each other, examples


In the beginning of the unit you created a KWL chart (what you think you know, want to know and what you learned). This is the time to reflect on what you thought you knew and what you wanted to know and compare it to what you have learned so far in Health. Keep in mind; this is just the beginning of all of the topics we will explore this year. We have built a “foundation” together to help us learn upcoming topics. 

Pick at least one topic we have discussed in Healthy foundations to write at least one paragraph answering the following questions/ discuss the following points: How would you explain this topic? What are some examples of how this is used in everyday life? Why is this topic important to learn about to help prepare us for life? 

The response should be at least ten sentences. 

Must answer all parts to the question.


Bonus points for all!

Bonus points for all!


Determine if this person is most likely depressed or should be put on suicide watch. 

Tim has been “joking” a lot lately about killing himself. When anyone tries to talk to him he just becomes extremely angry; breaking and throwing things. When he gets home, he goes right into his room and lies in his bed. Some of his classmates reported seeing him with a pill bottle on the way home from school last week.

Is this depression or should this person be put on suicide watch? Explain using the “red flags”/signs/symptoms. 

Determine/predict what may have caused this person to feel this way.

What should he/she do now? Give advice based on what we discussed in class.

What is the relationship or connection between this person’s depression and/or suicidal thoughts and their mental health?

Suicide watch


Mrs. Colon has two dogs, what are their names?

Jeter and Sandy