Indian Tribes

Almost three-fourths of Earth's surface is covered by

A. mountains

B. plains

C. forests

D. water

What is water?

What do all maps have in common? 

A. They all show physical features

B. They all are created by collecting data 

C. They are made from what people can see

D. They all show the regions of the United States

What is they all are created by collecting data? 


Weather that can be measured over a long period of time is called

A. climate

B. geography

C. longitude

D. vegetation 

What is climate? 


Many American Indian groups tell origin stories to

A. teach their children the art of warfare

B. explain how Earth and its people came to be

C. predict how the world will end 

D. take the place of their native language 

What is explain how Earth and its people came to be?

What is Miss Henry's favorite color? 

What is pink? 


Which of the following affects where people choose to live?

A. climate

B. physical features

C. vegetation

D. all of the above

What is all of the above? 


Describe the difference between latitude and longitude. 

What is stretching east to west (latitude)?

What is stretching north to south (longitude)?


Which of the following items is an artifact? 

A. a gorge

B. a culture

C. a backpack

D. an old clay pot

What is an old clay pot? 


How did natural resources affect the cultures of American Indians? 

A. it influenced what they ate

B. it influenced what shelters they built

C. it influenced what types of clothes they wore

D. all of the above

What is all of the above? 


What school did Miss Henry graduate from? 

La Roche


A natural environment includes

A. plants

B. factories

C. stories

D. culture

What is plants? 


Describe a political map. 

What is a map that shows state borders and measurements? 


What is a pueblo? 

A. a hill with a flat top and steep sides

B. a basket woven from colorful plants

C. an apartment building made of stone and adobe

D. a ceremony at which a teen becomes an adult

What is an apartment building made of stone and adobe? 


How did the Kwakiutls adapt to their Pacific Northwest environment? 

  • A. They wove cotton cloth for cool summer clothing from the cotton plants they grew.

  • B. They used the hides of the plentiful buffalo to make tepees, blankets, and shields.

  • C. They built their homes with no walls to allow breezes through in the hot climate.

  • D. They used cedar bark to make rope, which they used to make fishing nets.

What is they used cedar bark to make rope, which they used to make fishing nets?


What kind of dog does Miss Henry want? 

What is a mini bernedoodle? 


Which of the following is NOT a natural resource?

A. climate

B. minerals

C. trees

D. water

What is climate? 


Describe a population map.

What is a map that shows how many people live in an area. 


Describe a kiva.

What is a circular area, sometimes underground, where tribe members talk, work, or perform religious ceremonies? 

Tribes in the Northwest Coast used trees from the environment to carve what? 

What are totem poles? 


Where does Miss Henry live? 

What is Butler? 


Describe the climate of Oakmont, PA. 

What is warm, dry summers, and mostly cold, wet winters? 


Describe a climate map. 

What is a map that measures different parts of weather?


Describe the term nomadic.

What is moving place to place often with change in seasons, to follow source of food?


Describe a winter count. 

What is a pictograph that stands for memorable events that happened that year? 


What was Miss Henry's favorite destination over the summer break? 

What is NYC?