What property of algebra is used to solve x - 6 = -7? Why?
addition property because it is the opposite of subtraction
What two properties are used to solve this equation 3x + 7 = 22... must be in the correct order
subtraction property and then division property
What three properties are needed to solve this equation 5(x + 4) = 35... list in order
distributive property, subtraction property, and division property
division property and subtraction property
Antonio started the question 2x - 1 = 11 by writing 2x = 10. Which property justifies this step?
The Addition Property of Equality
How do you know if something is a function?
no repeated x-values
What property can be used to solve x + 2 = 7? Why?
subtraction property because it is the opposite of addition
What two properties are used to solve this equation x/5 - 4 = 31... must be in the correct order
addition property and multiplication property
What three properties are needed to solve this equation 2(x - 5) = -8... list in order
distributive property, addition property, division property
division property and addition property
Mila used the subtraction property to justify the first step in solving an equation. The original equation was ½ x + 4 = 10. What could the equation have been transformed into after this step?
1/2 x = 6
y =mx + b
What property can be used to solve 2x = 10? Why?
Division property because it is the opposite of multiplication
Solve -3x + 7 = -5
x = 4
Solve 5(x + 4) = 35
x = 3
To more easily simplify an expression, Michael changed 2x + 3 + 5x + 2 into 2x + 5x + 3 + 2. What property justifies this step?
commutative property
Solve x/5 = 10
x = 50
-0.3p + 50 = 44
p = 20
Solve 2(x - 5) = -8
x = 1
the distributive property
How do you know if something is a LINEAR function?
constant rate of change
Solve 1/2 x = -10
x = -20
Solve 3/4 x - 6 = 3
x = 12
⅚ (x - 2) = 5/2
x = 5
the commutative property and distributive property
What is the name of Mrs. Rand's baby?