Compare & Contrast
Auxiliary Verbs

What is the difference between comparing and contrasting?

Comparing is looking how two things are the same, and contrasting is looking at how two things are different. 


Where does a suffix go in a word?

At the end.


What is simple present? Give an example.

Simple present is a routine that one does presently. Example: Mary cooks every day. 


What is an inference?

This is an educated guess you make about something based on prior knowledge and context. 


What does "fake" mean?

Something that is not original and is a useless copy. 


Please identify one sentence that compares and one that contrasts: 

- I believe books and films both tell good stories.

- My son and I have different personalities. He's more quiet, I'm more outgoing.


- I believe books and films both tell good stories.


- My son and I have different personalities. He's more quiet, I'm more outgoing.


What type of word is the suffix -ly usually used for?



What is simple past? Give an example.

Simple past is an action that one used to regularly do in the past. Example: My son woke up early every week day excited for school. 


Which of the following is a good inference for the following paragraph:

Sophia enjoys summer very much. She will take long bike rides, eat tasty ice cream, and hang out on the beach every day. She will also meet new friends and play volley ball with them.

a. Sophia is an outdoor person

b. Sophia doesn't like the sun

c. Sophia likes winter cold more.

a. Sophia is an outdoor person


When do people make snap judgements?

When forming first impressions


Please spot two comparisons and two contrasts in the following paragraph: Toby and Marc are both hard working students. However, while Toby is quieter, Marc has a loud mouth. Also, Marc has sloppier handwriting than Toby. Both of them are very kind and respectful though. 

- Toby and Marc work hard + Both are kind and respectful = comparisons

- Toby is quieter than Marc, and Marc has sloppier handwriting than Toby = contrasts


Please identify the suffixes in the following words: 

- Information

- Regulation

- Interesting

- Rebellious 






What is the difference between past continuous and present continuous? 

Past continuous is something that happened over time in the past. Present continuous is something that happened in the past and continues to happen now. 


Which of the following is a good inference for the following paragraph: Jack is a big, strong man that uses his muscles to climb the beanstalk. People wonder why he climbs it everyday, but he always laughs it off and is silent. 

a. Jack has a dog

b. Jack is looking for something at the top of the beanstalk

c. Jack is a married man

b. Jack is looking for something at the top of the beanstalk


How can you decide if someone or something is reliable?

You can see what others say about it, him or her. You can look at signs, such as how long something was used. 


What is something we use when taking notes using compare and contrast?

Venn diagram. 


Please add a suffix to each of the following words:

- Create

- Design

- Reduce

- Creation, creator, creates

- Designation, designs, designed 

- Reduction, reduced, reducing


What word do you use with present perfect? Give an example. 

Have is used; "My dog has become ill."


Which of the following is a good inference for the following paragraph: Cars are a good form of transportation, but they can be dangerous. My daughter keeps speeding even though I warn her not to. 

a. The daughter will win a noble prize

b. The daughter will get into a crash or get a ticket one day

c. The daughter will apologize to her family

b. The daughter will get into a crash or get a ticket one day


What is the difference between conscious and unconscious?

Consciousness is being aware and in the moment. Unconsciousness is being unaware or not mentally present. 


Please compare and contrast humans to apes. 

Answers vary. 


Please add a suffix to each of the following words:

- Elect

- Present

- Ridicule

- Election, elected, elects

- Presentation, presented, presents, presenter.

- Ridiculous, ridicules, ridiculed 


What are 3 auxiliary verbs?

Do, be, and have. 


Which of the following is not a good inference for the following paragraph: Madison is only 12, but she is very wise. She was able to find out that her teacher was absent several times since she deduced her teacher was sick from the flu by noticing her coughing and self-isolation from the class. 

a. Madison has wise parents

b. Madison is a critical thinker and developed this skill early on

c. Madison is very unpopular

c. Madison is very unpopular

Please explain the difference between a positive first impression and a negative first impression. Then give an example of each. 

Positive first impressions are when someone sees you in a good way when you initially meet them. Negative first impressions are when someone sees you in a bad way when you initially meet them. An example of the former is appearing neat since you washed and pressed your clothes. An example of the latter is seeming to be rude in personality since you keep interrupting others as they talk.