The Scientific Revolution
The Enlightenment
The French Revolution
The Other Revolutions

This is one person who contributed to the Scientific Revolution.

Who is Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes?


This is how a person would express "popular sovereignty".

What is voting for representatives?


One cause of the French Revolution.

What is:

France was in debt,

There wasn't enough bread,

Society was unequal,

Too many taxes



The group of people that started and led the Haitian Revolution.

Who are enslaved African Haitians?


A crop that greatly increased slavery in the Americas.

What is sugar, cotton, tobacco?


One part of the Scientific Method.

What is hypothesis?


A type of government where a king or queen has all the power.

What is an absolute monarchy (absolutism)?


He was a leader during the French Revolution.

Who is Louis XVI, Marquis de Lafayette, Maximilien Robespierre, or Napoleon Bonaparte?


The social class that lead revolutions in Spain's American colonies.

Who are the creoles?


The last country to end slavery in the Americas (1888).

What is Brazil.


This is the idea that questioned the earth's place in the universe and got scientists in trouble with the Catholic Church.

What is the heliocentric model of the universe (sun in the middle)?


He believed that the powers of government should be separated into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Who is Baron de Montesquieu?


This describes the reign of Terror.

What is the most radical period in France where Robespierre and the Committee of Public safety terrorized France with the guillotine?


This is what made Brazilian independence unique.

What is that is was relatively peaceful?


This describes a social contract.

What is you give up certain rights and you get safety / an orderly society?


This is how people's thinking changed during the Scientific Revolution.

People began using logic, reason, rationalism to explain the world around them (instead of relying solely on the church and other traditional authorities).


These are rights you're born with, and an example of one.

What are natural rights?

Some examples: "Life, liberty, property" freedom of speech, freedom of religion


This describes the difference between left wing and right wing during the French Revolution.

What is:

Left = democracy, liberal

Right = monarchy, conservative



This is how slavery ended in the U.S.A.?

What is:

the importation of slaves ended in 1808

the Civil War ended slavery in 1865



This describes the three estates of France before the French Revolution.

What is:

1st Estate = Church, Clergy

2nd Estate = Nobles, Aristocracy

3rd Estate = Everyone else, peasants, middle class



The difference between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.

What is:

Inductive Reasoning = Getting the general from the specific

Deductive Reasoning = Getting the specific from the general



Key differences between Hobbes and Locke.

What is:

Hobbes = people bad, government big

Locke = people good, government small



How Napoleon spread Nationalism in Europe.

What is by grouping similar people in a territory, therefore promoting a sense of unity and sameness among those people?


The purpose of the Monroe Doctrine.

What is to prevent Europeans from establishing more empires in the Americas?


This is what happened to Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.

What is the conservative Congress of Vienna put kings and queens back in power all over Europe.