
What is internal conflict?

A conflict that takes place within a character's own mind.


What is a synonym?

A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.


Is the following sentence a FRAGMENT, RUN-ON, or a COMPLETE SENTENCE: "Not until next Wednesday"

Fragment- There is no subject

If I am reading a story, am I IMPLYING what the meaning is, or INFERRING what the meaning is?
What is the climax of a story?
The climax is the part of a story when the conflict is the most intense; the major turning point of the story.

Can a story have an internal AND external conflict? Explain

Yes, but there is usually one main conflict.


"Mark is gregarious, not like his brother who is quiet and shy." Based off this sentence, what do you think "gregarious" means?

Very social; outgoing


Which option is the best way to combine sentences to fix the fragment: "Because of my broken alarm. I woke up way too late for school." A. I woke up, because of my broken alarm, way too late for school. B. I woke up way too late for school because of my broken alarm. C. My alarm, because it was broken, I woke up way too late for school.

B is the most clear sentence.


Define INFER in your own words.

To communicate a message without saying it outright.

What do you find out in the exposition of any story?
Basic information about the characters and setting. First introduction to the conflict.

"As a man walks out of his job interview, he sees another well-dressed applicant walk through the door for an interview." Is this conflict MAINLY internal or external?

External- both men are competing for a job.


Read the sentence below and choose the dictionary definition for the word “emphatic” that fits best. “Mama, Maud Martha, and Helen rocked slowly in their rocking chairs, and looked at the late afternoon light on the lawn and the emphatic iron of the fence.” A. uttered with emphasis; strongly expressive. B. very impressive or significant; striking: C. insistent; persistent


How can you change the past progressive tense verb "was stirring" to a regular past tense? A. Stirred B. Had stirring C. Stirs D. Is stirring
What evidence best supports the inference that Squeaky is not afraid of losing the race. A. Squeaky practices her breathing and running on a regular basis. B. Squeaky imagines herself in a field before the race. C. Squeaky trash talks to Gretchen and her friends.
In your own words, describe what "suspense" means.
A feeling of anxiousness or uncertainty about what may happen.

"She spent the whole afternoon trying to decide whether or not to let her friend cheat off her test." Is this MAINLY an internal or external conflict.

Internal- She is struggling with a difficult decision.


In your own words, describe what it means to "use context clues."

Context clues means "reading around the word." Use the rest of the sentence or paragraph to give you clues to what the word means.


Which sentence is correct? A. Today, many people is watching the Word Cup. B. Today, many people watched the World Cup. C. Today, many people are watch the World Cup. D. Today, many people watch the World Cup.


"Throughout the whole date, he kept checking his phone and looking around the restaurant. Then , when we finished eating he asked for the check right away!" What can you infer about this person's first date?
The man was not enjoying the date/wanted to leave.
Which sentence uses the noun form of the verb "suggest?" A. He made a suggestion for where we should eat tonight. B. He suggested where we should eat tonight. C. He was suggesting where we should eat tonight.

Is the conflict in "A Tell-Tale Heart" MAINLY internal or external? Explain.

Internal- he feels guilty, is overly disturbed by an eye, and hears a heartbeat that is not there.


"I have an inclination for dogs if I had to get a pet." Knowing that the Latin root "cline"means "lean," choose which definition fits the word "Inclination" A. Disturbed B. Allergy C. Preference



How would you correct the following run-on sentence? "I haven't been to that restaurant before I want to go there"

-Period between "before" and "I" -Comma and FANBOY between "before" and "I" -Semicolon between "before" and "I"

Provide an example of a time you made an inference. (It can be real or made up)
Answers may vary
Does every story have to have all 5 stages of plot? Why or why not?
No. Some stories don't have a resolution to create more suspense, such as the story "The Elevator."