USA & Canada Random Questions!
USA & Canada Political Geography
Landforms and Bodies of Water
USA Regions
USA & Canada Vocabulary
More Geography

The USA has this many states.

What is 50?


The smallest state in the USA.

What is Rhode Island?


This vast landform/biome of grasslands and prairies is located in the midwestern and western regions.  The American Buffalo lives here.

What is the Great Plains?


The definition of this word is: an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics.

What is a region?


Materials from the Earth that humans use, such as iron, timber, stone, water, oil etc.

What are natural resources?


These are the seven continents - you have 30 seconds to list them!

What are North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica?


Out of the USA or Canada, this country has A LOT more people.

What is the USA?
The Capital of the USA, where the USA Government make and enforces laws.

What is Washington, D.C.?


The biggest mountain range in North America.  It is more than 3,000 miles long and it goes through the Western Region of the USA and much of Canada and even Mexico.

What are the Rocky Mountains?


The USA has ____ regions.

What is five?

A city and its surroundings with a high population density.  It is usually located on a river, coastline or other body of water.

What is an urban area?


These are the five oceans - you have 30 seconds to list them!

What are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans?


The USA and Canada have this type of government.

What is a democracy?  (I will accept republic as well)


The name of the two states which are not part of the contiguous (mainland) USA.  

What are Alaska and Hawaii?


This landmark, located in Arizona, is 271 miles long.  It was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years.

What is the Grand Canyon?


This region is includes the New England and Mid Atlantic states.

What is the Northeast Region?


The name for a person who leaves their country to move to another country.  There are many of them that move to the USA & Canada.

What are immigrants?

Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest are not cardinal directions, but _____________ directions.

What is intermediate?


The USA and Canada are the two biggest countries in North America.  This country is the third biggest, and is south of the USA.

What is Mexico?


Canada does not separate its country into states. Instead, it has this name for them.

What are provinces?


These 5 big bodies of fresh water are located in the Midwest Region of the USA.  They border (touch) both Canada and the USA.

What are the Great Lakes?


This region has twelve states, including Hawaii and Alaska.

What is the West/Western Region?

The USA & Canada are very diverse.  They have a lot of different people that have different religions, races, and speak different languages.  These countries have many __________.

What are cultures?


The line of latitude that separates the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

What is the Equator?

Canada has this many provinces/territories.

What is thirteen?


There are 3 cities in the USA & Canada with more than 8 million people, list at least 2 of them!

What are Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago?


This huge landform in the Western Region is shaped like a big bowl.  It is in between the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountain Ranges.

What is the Great Basin?


This region is warm and dry.  Its biomes consist largely of dry deserts and grasslands.  It only has four states.

What is the Southwest Region?


The study of how people meet their wants and needs.

What is economics?


Governments usually have this written document which outlines how it runs and how it makes the rules and laws of the country.

What is a constitution?