Past Simple vs Past Perfect
Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous
Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continous or Past Perfect Simple

Complete the sentence:

Amy Winehouse _______________ (die) in 2011.



She ________________ (know) her best friend for 3 years. 

She has known her best friend for 3 years.


Rewrite the sentence using the words in brackets:

I started waiting at 5 o’clock. I’m still waiting. (since)

I ..............................................

I have been waiting since 5 o'clock.


Choose the correct answer:

- Going to New York was an amazing/ amazed experience for me! 


When _________________ (you, start) using Instagram?

did you start


Correct the mistake:

Sorry, I'm late! I know you're waiting for me for a long time!

I know you have ('ve) been waiting for me for a long time!

Rewrite the sentence with the words given:

When did you find out? (known)

How long................?

How long have you known?


Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one:

I was extremely excited by the news!

The news was..............

The news was exciting!


When the neighbours _____________ (call) the ambulance, the person _____________ (die, already)


had already died


She ___________________ (sing) every Sunday in her church choir since she was 7.

She's been singing every Sunday in her church choir since she was 7.


Rewrite the sentence starting with the word given:

First, I examined all the phones and chose the cheapest model. 


After I had examined all the phones, I chose the cheapest model.


Complete the second sentence with a suitable word

This old CD player doesn't work at all.

This old CD player is.................

This old CD player is useless.


I ______________ (already, leave) the disco, by the time my friends _____________ (get) there. 

had already left



Let's take a break! We ______________ (not finish, yet) but we __________________ (study) for four hours and we deserve a coffee.

We  haven't finished yet and we have been studying for four hours


Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

My blog won a prize. Then a reporter interviewed me. (after)

A reporter..............................................

A reporter interviewed me after my blog had won a prize.


Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first sentence:

It won't hurt when the dentist cleans your teeth.

Having your teeth cleaned will be ...............

Having your teeth cleaned will be painless.


My phone _____________ (break) again the day after the lab ________________ (repair) it


had repaired


____________ (you, try, ever) to learn another language online? How about now? There ____________ (never / be) so many ways to learn. English, French and Spanish are the most commonly studied languages, but recently, more and more people ____________ (study) “constructed languages”. These are languages from books or films, like Quenya from The Lord of the Rings. They also include languages that linguists ____________ (invent), such as Toki Pona. Since hearing about this language, I  ____________ (think) of learning it.

Have you ever tried to learn another language online? How about now? there have never been so many ways to learn. English, French and Spanish are the most commonly studied languages, but recently, more and more people have been studying "constructed languages". There are languages from books or films like Quenva from The Lord of the Rings. They also include languages that linguists have invented such as Toki Pona. Since hearing about this language, I have been thinking of learning it. 


Rewrite the sentence using the word in brackets.

Alexa became the bank manager a year ago. (for)

Alexa has been the bank manager for a year.


Complete the second sentence so both sentences have the same meaning.

Our Internet service has got better.

There's been an .................................

There's been an improvement on our Internet service