Important Vocabulary
The Roman Republic
Julius Caesar
Achievements of Rome
Fall of the Roman Empire

Define Republic 

A form of government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on their behalf.


Name of the wars fought between Rome and Carthage over control of the Mediterranean Sea..

Punic Wars


Who is the name of the Dictator that reigned 40 years before Julius Caesar that many of the Roman Senators compared him to?  



Who are the legendary twins that founded the city of Rome? 

Romulus and Remus


How did the Barbarian Invasions lead to the downfall of the Roman Empire? 

The Germanic Invasions lead to the destruction of many public works such as roads, government buildings, and aqueducts that provided stability amongst the Roman people. These invasions made it almost impossible for Rome to defend it's boarders but to rebuilt essential infrastructure. 


Define Consul 

One of the two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic.

President of the Senate 

Could only serve one year and then could not be elected for another 10 years


Because laws were not written down, what frequently happened to them in the Roman Republic?

They were changed to suit the needs of the Patricians 


Why did the Plebeians love Caesar so much? 

He gave them money and other valuable gifts. He provided them opportunities to better themselves in their stations in life. 


Name of the Emperor who split the Roman Empire in half in order for it to be rule more effectively... 



How did a decrease in population lead to the fall of the Roman Empire? 

Eventually the population of the city of Rome went from 1 Million at its peak to only 6,000 by 476 AD. 

People weren't having kids because they had become too expensive to raise. 

Widespread plagues had killed off many in the population. 

Constant warfare made it impossible to repopulate the loss soldiers. 

People were more concerned about living their own rich lifestyles than serving in the government, military, or having a family. 


Define Dictatorship

A ruler with total power, often appointed temporarily during emergencies in ancient Rome.

Would only last for a 6 month period when elected to this position


How did the Plebeians gain more representation during the times of Crisis? 

The left Rome, which meant that the Roman Senate and Patricians were left vulnerable to attacks.

One of the two Consuls had to be a Plebeian. 

The Tribune of Plebs was created and was given veto power. 


Why was it against the law for a Roman General to cross the Rubicon River with his army? 

Generals were only supposed to cross the river alone, leaving their armies behind because the Senate was fearful that the army might be more loyal to their general than to the laws of Rome. 


Name of the Emperor who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire...



How did the inconsistency of the Roman Emperors lead to the decline of the Roman Empire? 

During a 32 year period, there were 8 Roman Emperors, many who only served a year or two before being executed. This instability would make it extremely difficult for the Roman government to effectively govern.  


Define Plebeians 

The common people of ancient Rome, including farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders. Made up 95% of the population.


How many senators were in the Roman Senate and how long did they serve? 


Once Elected they served for life


Who replaces Julius Caesar after his death? 

His adoptive son, Octavian "Augustus" Caesar

He becomes the first emperor of Rome



What is this and what does it do? 


Brings fresh water into cities


How did relying on Foreign Mercenaries lead to the decline of the Roman Empire?  

Mercenaries were more loyal to the people that paid them aka their commanders. 

Also, since they had no loyalty to Rome, they would often switch sides in the middle of the battle. Leaving the Romans vulnerable to many attacks. 


Define Patricians 

The aristocratic families who held most of the power in the early Roman Republic. Made up 5% of Rome.


Name of the first set of Written Laws which help create this standard on how the law treats citizens

The 12 Tables 

Equality before the law


Why was Marcus Brutus the main suspect in the assassination plot of Julius Caesar? 

Brutus believed he was the protector of the Roman Republic because his ancestor Lunius Brutus was the one who assassinated King Tarquin (last king of Rome) to establish the Republic. 

Also, Brutus and Caesar was very close. Mainly to Caesar's relationship with his mother and there is a possibility that Brutus could have been Caesar's son.  


150 year reign of peace after the rule of Augustus was known as...  

Pax Romana 

(Peace of Rome) 


How did Christianity lead to the decline of the Roman Empire? 

Christianity taught a message of pacifism (meaning, no fighting) which discouraged many Romans to enlist in the armies making the government rely on foreign mercenaries. 

The Church leadership would also make it difficult for some of the functions of the Roman government to be enforced. Using their influence to benefit the church rather than the empire.