Lab Safety
Lab Equipment
Scientific Method
Varying Variables
This is what you wear to protect your eyes from spills or vapors
What are goggles?
A wide-mouthed cup-shaped item used to measure the volume of liquids. Can be glass or plastic.
What is a beaker?
This is the unit we use when measuring the volume of a liquid
What is liter?
A series of steps used to answer a reasonable question about the natural world is
What is the Scientific Method?
A factor that may affect the results of an experiment because it can change or be changed
What is a variable?
Something that is _____ can easily catch on fire
What is flammable?
The lab item that you would use to view the cells of a plant's stem
What is a microscope?
This is the unit used to measure the mass of a textbook
What is gram?
A decision you make based on your data and sometimes your inferences during the experiment is your
What is conclusion?
The factor in an experiment that is changed by the investigator
What is the independent variable?
If I don't use this method, I could burn my nostrils
What is waft?
The tool you would use to measure the mass of a textbook
What is a triple beam balance (or a digital scale)?
This is the unit used to measure the length of a classroom
What is meter?
This is an example of what type of question: "How did the black plague effect infant growth during the Dark Ages in Europe?"
What is a researchable question?
The variable in an experiment that you expect to change or respond to what you have done. Also known as the variable that we are measuring.
What is dependent variable?
In the accident scene in class last week, the visitor could have avoided cutting his foot if he had followed this safety precaution
What is wear close-toed (or closed) shoes?
This is the lab tool you would use to measure very small amounts of a liquid
What is a pipette?
This is the unit used to measure temperature
What is a thermometer?
This is an example of what type of question: "How do acid levels in soil affect the colors of hydrangea flowers?"
What is a testable question?
The groups in the experiment that have different amounts of the independent variable
What are experimental groups?
Our "visitor" last week (who ended up creating an accident scene in our class) did this wrong with his goggles
What is not wear them over his eyes? (Wearing them around his neck, instead of his eyes)
A long narrow tube-shaped item used for measuring the volume of liquids
What is a graduated cylinder?
These are the units that you will measure a liquid with if you use an Erlenmeyer flask
What is liter?
The six steps of the scientific method (in the order presented in class)
What are: Observation Question Hypothesis Experiment Analyze Data Conclusion
The one group that does not contain the independent variable
What is the control group?