Hot Dggidy Dog Science
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This is why scientist repeat their experiments.

What is to make sure the information they collected is reliable?  

  • This is any condition in an experiment that can be changed.

  • What are variables?


When you measure you make observations involving numbers in units such as kilograms.  Most countries use this system of measurement which scientists use as well.  In the US we generally do not use these types of units when we measure.

  • What is the metric system?  King Henry Died Unfortunately Drinking Chocolate Milk 


This is when the measurement is close to the actual size.

  • This is accurate? 

  • Scientists share because knowledge leads to more questions and more understanding.  This is another word for sharing information.

  • What is communicate? 


Jenn does an experiment where she tests a toy car on three different ramp heights.  She repeats the experiment three times collecting data each time on how far the car will travel.  This is what would be the most useful to help Jenn organize her data.

What is a data table?  

  • This is an investigation used to test a hypothesis.

  • What is an experiment?

  • These are used to measure the mass of an object.

  • What are balances such as a pan balance, triple beam balance, and a digital mass? 

  • These are three tools that can be used to observe something.

What are hand lens, binoculars, telescope…?


An idea or a conclusion based on an observation is called this. An example would be, “ A spider is going to use the bug for food later”.

  • What is an inference?

  • observations are made using the 5 senses.  We use observations to draw ______________.

What are conclusions?
  • The method scientists use depends on the questions he or she is trying to answer.  These are the three methods/investigations scientists could choose from. 

  • What are experiment, models, and repeated observations? 

  • The unit of Newton is used when measuring force, a push or pull.  This tool would measure force.

  • What is a spring scale? 

  • This tool is often used to measure the volume of a liquid.  

  • What is a graduated cylinder? 


This is the study of the natural world

What is science?

  • If John sketches the moon and its phases for 5 weeks he is using this type of model.

What are diagrams which come from his observations?

  • Heather is running an experiment where she is testing 3 different liquids (lemon juice, water, and ginger ale) on apples to see which one prevents the apple from browning. This is the group of apples that would be considered her control.

  • What is the group called where the apple is without any liquid on it?

  • Metric units that could be used to measure length would be.

  • What are meters, kilometers, millimeters, centimeters?  

  • Spiders are slimy and creepy.  This statement is considered a ____________, and scientists like to deal with ____________.  

  • What is an opinion, and evidence?  

  • If I wanted to plan an experiment to see which surface gives the highest bounce.  These would be 4 variables that I would need to keep constant or the same(control variables).

  • What are the same type or brand of basketball, same amount of air in the basketball, same conditions outside, and same height the basketball drops from?

  • These are the three types of models that scientists may use.

  • What are physical models, computer simulated models, and or diagrams?


As part of their experiment, scientists collect, record and interpret data. There is more than one way to display or communicate data.  These are 4 ways to display or communicate data that scientists may use.

  • What are bar graphs, line graphs, sketches, pie charts, Venn Diagrams…?

  • This is the amount of space a solid, liquid, or gas takes up.

  • What is volume?

  • There are many types of scientists such as botanists, zoologists, biologists, and taxonomists.  Taxonomists are scientists that do this, where they organize events or objects into categories based on their specific characteristics.  Such as grouping butterflies based on their size or patterns. 

What is classified (classify)?

  • If I wanted to test the amount of air pressure on the tallest bounce.  These are the variables that would be constant and the variables that would not be the same.

  • What are  the variables that would need to be the same: brand type of basketball, surface dropping ball on, conditions outside
    Variables that would change: air pressure would not be controlled and the height of the bounce would not be controlled because it would be dependent on the air pressure in the ball.