Making Inferences
Point of View
Literary Elements
Multiple Meaning words
When Josh got home, his mom asked him how his math test went. Josh's eyes widened and his face turned bright. A small smile formed as he started to talk to his mom. ________________________________________________ Can you infer how Josh did on his math test? A) Josh failed the test. B) Josh does not know his grade. C) Josh did excellent on the test. D) Josh skipped the test.
C) Josh did excellent on the test.
On Monday, Sam went to the park. He played on the swings with his friend, Tom. After the swings, they went down the yellow slide. The two boys had an exciting day playing at the park! ________________________________________________ What point of view is this story told from? Give at least 1 clue word that helped you.
Third person point of view
Which character trait BEST describes frog in this passage? 
Give text evidence. ________________________________________________ . A) weak . B) foolish . C) afraid . D) clever
D) clever Frog is clever because he tricks the coyote
Choose the sentence that uses the word the same as the sentence below. I will pack my suitcase for my trip to Hawaii. ________________________________________________ A) I saw a pack of wolves running in the woods. B) I need to pack my lunch for school. C) Can I buy a pack of gum?
B) I need to pack my lunch for school.
What is the meaning of the word reappear? _________________________________________________ A. a person who appears B. without appear
 C. appear again
C. appear again
Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. ______________________________________________ What do you know about Lisa? A) She is helpful. B) She is afraid of bugs. C) She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.
C) She is very curious.
My mom and I went to Pizza Hut yesterday. Yum! We ate the best pizza ever. It was delicious. I like pepperoni and cheese on my pizza. I hope we can go back to Pizza Hut soon! ________________________________________________ What point of view is this story told from? Give 3 clue words that helped you.
First person point of View clue words: I, my, we
Is this story Fiction or Non-Fiction? Provide evidence.
Fiction Evidence: animals can't talk
Choose the sentence that uses the word the same as the sentence below. I have a pet snake __________________________________ • A) I like to pet the animals. • B) My pet ate all of her food. • C) Can I pet your kitten?
B) My pet ate all of her food.
What is the meaning of the word unfriendly?
 _____________________________________________ A. in a friendly way
 B. not in a friendly way C. not with friends
B. not in a friendly way
What can you infer from this statement? Trees are blown over, the ditches are full of rain water, homes are flooded and the electricity is off. ________________________________________________ A) There was a big party at your house yesterday. B) There was a hurricane. C) There was a snowstorm. D) It was a sunny day
B) There was a hurricane.
Jim slowly opened the blinds. He couldn't believe his eyes! There was more than a foot of snow! He could not be more excited for what he hoped would be a snow day. Mrs. Johnson, on the other hand, his science teacher, was disappointed to find all of the snow that morning. This meant another day lost for the long awaited science experiment. She hoped they would have enough time to do the experiment in school the next day. ________________________________________________ What is the point of view of the passage? A) first person by Jim B) first person by Mrs. Johnson C) third person
C) third person
. What is Frog’s problem in this passage? _________________________________________________ . A He is hungry. . B He is in danger. . C He has no friends. . D He thinks too slowly
B He is in danger.
In which sentence does show have the same meaning as in the sentence below? Please show me how to work this new television. ________________________________________________ A. The students waited to get tickets for the show. B. My favorite show is no longer on television. C. The Price is Right is a popular game show. D. My teacher had to show us where the lunchroom was
D. My teacher had to show us where the lunchroom was
What is the root word for friendly?
Joe was very tired when he got home from school. He decided to take a nap. When he woke up the sun was shining. He could hear roosters crowing and smelled bacon cooking in the kitchen. He walked slowly into the kitchen and asked his mother, "What time is it?" ________________________________________________ What time did he wake up? A) Noon B) Midnight C) 7:00 in the morning D) 7:00 in the afternoon
C) 7:00 in the morning
I was shaking like a leaf. My palms were sweating. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure everyone around me could hear it. I hated presentations. ________________________________________________ The above passage is an example of what point of view? A) first person B) second person C) third person
A) first person
How does Frog solve his problem in this passage? ____________________________________________ A) He hides.
 B) He runs away.
 C) He outsmarts Coyote. 
D) He becomes friends with Coyote
C) He outsmarts Coyote
Can you handle watching the baby? handle means: _____________________________________________ A) Something you grab to hold onto B) To manage or control
b. To manage or control
What is the root word for lovable?
Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton.One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all. ________________________________________________ What do you think Katie had to clean up? What prior knowledge did you use?
She spilled milk. prior knowledge: milk comes in a carton, we put it in the fridge and and we have it with breakfast.
The spider was making its way slowly across my blanket. It inched its way two steps at a time until we were nose to nose. I wanted to scream like crazy. _______________________________________________ Which word in these sentences tell us this is written in first person? A) I B) The spider C) it
A) I
What is the setting for this story?
By the lake
The porch had to bear the weight of the 2nd floor of the house. The word bear in this sentence means: _________________________________________________ a. Hold up b. A furry wild animal that lives in the forest
a. Hold up
What does the prefix -un mean?