Declaration of Independence
The Constitution & 3 Branches of Government
Bill of Rights
American Exceptionalism
Political Parties & Two Party System

Who is the considered the "main" author of the DoI?

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

Which Branch of government has the ability to veto laws?

What is the Executive Branch?


The Bill of Rights contains how many constitutional amendments?

What is 10?


Tocqueville identified how many values crucial to America’s success?

What is 5?


Which political party identifies with the following words: Liberal, Blue, Donkey, Left

What is The Democratic Party?


What topic was removed from the DoI?

What is the abolition of slavery?


Which principal of the constitution establishes that power is divided between state and national governments?

What is Federalism?


What are the 5 freedoms established in the 1st amendment?

What are Speech, Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition?


Alexis de Tocqueville wrote a book entitled, ___________ which analyzed the functioning of our political society

What is Democracy in America?


Which political party prefers a "small" federal government?

What is the Republican Party?


What is the first paragraph of the DoI called?

What is the preamble?


Marbury vs Madison is an example of which principal of the constitution?

What is Judicial Review?


Which Amendment lists the rights you have if you are accused of a crime?

What is the 6th Amendment?


This value refers to a society of equals.

What is Egalitarianism?

A public statement of a political parties main beliefs and guiding principals is called what?

What is a platform?


Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are considered...

What are unalienable rights?


“Senate Rejects President’s Choice of Supreme Court Justice” is an example of which principal of the constitution?

What is Checks and Balances?

According to the Bill of Rights, any power not given to the federal government goes directly to...

Who is the states or the people of the United States?


This value reflects that Americans are devoted to the rule of law and the federal system helps prevent the rise of an all powerful government

What is Liberty?


The Bullmoose party is an example of ....

What is Historical third parties?

"To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

This statement indicates that the government has a responsibility to....

What is respond to the will of the people?


Government leaders, like the President, must obey the laws of the land - this is an example of which principal of the constitution?

What is Limited Government?


Miranda vs Arizona is a landmark supreme court case that litigated the rights citizens have under which amendment?

What is the 5th amendment?

“The nation participates in the making of its laws by the choice of its legislatures, and in the execution of them by the choice of the agents of the executive government; it may also be said to govern itself…”

This quote reflects which of Tocqueville's values?

What is Populism?


Loyalty of voters to major parties, lack of financial support, lack of major party structure, and lack of media coverage or name recognition are all considered...

What is limitations of Third Parties in America?