Christopher Columbus
Spanish Exploration
English Exploration
Settlements in North America
Mr. Eck's Choice

What was Christopher Columbus' greatest achievement?

Establishing a permanent settlement in the New world/Discovering the New world?


Who did Christopher Columbus sail for?



What was the name of England's first SUCCESSFUL settlement in the new world?



What cash crop did they grow in Jamestown that eventually saved the colony from failing?



When Christopher Columbus landed in the New World on his first voyage, where did he think he was?

Asia (Cipangu OR Japan)


Prior to the age of Exploration, who did the Europeans have to get goods from Asia, such as silk and spices, from?

They got them from the Muslims


Describe Spain’s two goals of exploration in the new world.

1) Convert the natives to Catholicism

2) Make a lot of money for themselves and Spain


Who was Sir Francis Drake? Name two things he was known for?

He was a pirate(privateer) who attacked Spanish ships and settlements in the new world. He was also the second person to circumnavigate the world


What were two risks and two rewards for speculators investing in settlements in the new world? 

Riks: You could be attacked by Natives or Spanish, they could get lost at sea, starve or speculators could lose their money

Rewards: They could find gold, silver or a cash crop that makes a lot of money, and the speculator could get rich, settlers could find opportunity in the new world


Name two things that came from the new world to the old world AND two things that came from the old world to the new world during the Columbian Exchange.

New to Old: Corn, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turkeys, Manioc, etc. 

Old to New: Grapes, Sugar, Tobacco, Pigs, Horses, Cows, Christianity, Slaves, Settlers, Diseases, etc. 


Why were Europeans interested in getting a direct route to Asia?

They wanted to get rid of their reliance on the Muslims and to get their goods at a cheaper price


Why did Juan Ponce de Leon explore Florida?

He was looking for the fountain of youth


What was the name of the English settlement led by John Smith, that failed twice?

Colony of Roanoke OR Roanoke


What was the name of the man who brought tobacco to Jamestown (also the husband of Pocahontas)?

John Rolfe


What was the nickname the Spanish gave to Sir Francis Drake?

El Draque OR The Dragon


Describe Columbus’ “Enterprise of the Indies”. In what way was his plan different from others?

He wanted to find a direct sea route to Asia. His plan was different from others because he wanted to sail west from Europe to land in Asia.


Vasquez de Coronado led an expedition into Nuevo Mexico. What were they looking for?

7 Cities of Cibola OR Cibola OR Cities full of gold


What is a speculator?

Someone who invests money into settlements in the New world


What are four theories about what happened to the second colony at Roanoke?

They were captured by the Spanish, they went to live with the native Americans, they tried to make a boat and sail back to England and John Smith lied and they were actually all dead, but spread the rumors to keep the English interested in coming to the new world. 

Who ACTUALLY was the first European to discover the new world?

Leif Erickson


Where was Christopher Columbus from? (name the city and country)

Genoa, Italy


Describe the Spanish Encomienda system. What did it lead to in New Spain?

The Encomienda system was a way in which the Spaniards divided labor in the new world. It led to a social hierarchy based on race.


What was the name of the Queen of England who encouraged England to explore the New world?

Queen Elizabeth 


What led to the starving time in Jamestown from 1609-1610 AND what percentage of the colonists died during those years?

Conflicts with the natives led to them not giving any more food to the settlers. 3/4 or 75% of them died during those years. 

When Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World, he landed in which modern day country?
