Who won the French and Indian war?
Who was Commander in Chief during the American Revolution?
George Washington
What are the 3 branches of Government?
Judicial, Legislative, Executive
Who proposed the creation of a national bank?
Alexander Hamilton
Reflects one point of view
Primary Source
Who created Join or die
Benjamin Franklin
Tax on every sheet of legal document (Year not needed)
Stamp Act of 1765
What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
Make revisions to the Articles of Confederation
Federalists Supported a strong central government, favored____ and opposed the ____ of ____
constitution, bill of rights
55 People met in Philadelphia and wrote
How did the Proclamation of 1763 affect colonists?
It did not allow westward expansion
What was the first major battle of the Revolution?
Lexington and Concord
What was the main difference between that Articles of Confederation and the Constitution? The AoC had a...... (3 words)
weak central government
In Washington's Farewell Address, he wanted us to unite as one and avoid....
permanent alliances with other countries
One of the major causes of the American Revolution; started over snowballs and rocks
Boston Massacre
How does Join, or Die relate to the War?
It was designed to unite the colonies against the French
Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
Local Power of Executive Government
Mayor (Look at 3 branches notes if lost)
Why was the Whiskey Rebellion significant?
First major test of the newly formed US federal Government
Journal article is a
Secondary source
How did the French and Indian war set the stage for the American Revolution?
Tensions rose with the British taxing the colonists due to overfunding the war which colonists refused to pay
This placed duties on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea as they came into the colonies from Great Britain.
Townshend Act
Agreement reached during the constitutional convention that determined how to count enslaved people in a state's population for taxation and representation in congress...
Three-fifths Compromise
Why did George Washington only serve 2 terms
To create a safeguard against the type of power yielded by the British during the Colonial Era.
Federalist-controlled Congress passed four laws known as the
Alien and Sedition Acts