Word Choice / Tone
The Golden Touch
Citing Evidence
Ms. McBee

Read the sentence from paragraph 9. . . . his body was inhabited by the ghost of a wicked, old money­lender, who had died some years ago. Which word could replace inhabited as it is used in the sentence?

A birthed 

B created 

C demanded 

D occupied


D occupied


What helps you draw conclusions/make inferences?

Foreshadowing, using prior knowledge, reading between the lines, etc.


Who asked for the Golden Touch?

King Midas


Which quotation supports the idea that Tom should not be afraid of the salmon? 

A “‘. . . I shall surely lose my way, or some strange thing will bite me. I will stop here and look out for the otter, or the eels, or some one to tell me where I shall go’” (par. 3).

B “. . . silver from head to tail, and here and there a crimson dot; with a grand hooked nose and grand curling lip, and a grand bright eye, looking round him as proudly as a king, . . .” (par. 7).

C “. . . for salmon are all true gentlemen, and, like true gentlemen, they look noble and proud enough, and yet, like true gentlemen, they never harm or quarrel with any one, . . .” (par. 8).

D “‘. . . I see what you are, my little dear. I have met one or two creatures like you before, and found them very agreeable and well­behaved’” (par. 15).

C “. . . for salmon are all true gentlemen, and, like true gentlemen, they look noble and proud enough, and yet, like true gentlemen, they never harm or quarrel with any one, . . .” (par. 8).

Who is Ms. McBee's favorite music artist?

The one and only Taylor Alison Swift.


Read the sentence from paragraph 6. 

. . . There is something about travel as a process that a wheels­up, wheels­down airplane ride dilutes somewhat. What does the word dilutes mean as it is used in the sentence? 

A appeases 

B devalues

C enhances 

D stresses

B devalues


What is the [benefit/purpose] of inferencing?

To find out more about the text; to solve mysteries; to make deeper connections.


What is King Midas' daughter named?



Write a citation for this quote: 

Myatt states that "...life is not fair..."

The quote is located in the 8th paragraph.

(par. 8).


What is Ms. McBee's cat named?


This sort of 'me ­time' can be achieved on many forms of transportation—planes, trains, and automobiles (ones I’m not driving anyway) but the one I most enjoy is the bus. Earlier this week, at The Billfold, Ester Bloom wrote that she enjoys the bus (Megabus, to be exact) the least of all methods of transportation, ranking it below “being dragged by the hair.” That’s okay. Life, and travel preferences, are a beautiful potpourri of differences. 

In paragraph 2, what does the phrase “a beautiful potpourri of differences” indicate about the author’s point of view? 

A The author believes traveling is miserable. 

B The author believes everyone has different opinions.

C The author believes bus travel is superior to train travel. 

D The author believes her attitude toward travel is correct.

B. The author believes everyone has different opinions.


Mike wrapped a hamburger in paper and put it on the counter. Then, he wrapped two more hamburgers and put them on the counter next to the first one. After that, he scooped french fries into a small box?

Why was Mike wrapping hamburgers? How do you know?

Mike is wrapping hamburgers because it is his job. You know he is wrapping many burgers and scooping fries, which is something that people do when they work in a fast food restaurant.


What is the moral of "The Golden Touch"?

Be careful what you wish for.


What are the two ways to cite evidence that we have talked about?

Direct (quoting from the text) and indirect (paraphrasing)


What is Ms. McBee's go to phrase to grab her students attention?

"Okay, you guys!" / "Silence!" / "Alright, you guys!"


Identify the tone: 

We received your request for a refund for your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not function as advertised.

The tone of the passage is apologetic and formal.



As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. What can you infer from this passage about Jim?

Jim is disorganized and forgetful.


What is name of the man who gave King Midas the golden touch?

The man is never named; Hawthorne refers to him as "the stranger".


Part B Which quotation supports the answer to Part A that people who engage in poor eating habits do not live long? 

A “The early farmers traded their good health, nutritious diets, and longer life span for shorter lives plagued by disease. . . .” (par. 3)

B “. . . early farmers ate the same boring starches and sugars that came from their crops of corn, barley, wheat, or rice” (par. 3).

C “The change in lifestyle and diet from pre-­farming to farming is recorded in the archaeological record” (par. 3).

D “Research on skeletal remains reveals that before farming Europeans had few problems with their teeth” (par. 5).

A “The early farmers traded their good health, nutritious diets, and longer life span for shorter lives plagued by disease. . . .” (par. 3)


Name one of Ms. McBee's favorite literary authors. (must include both first and last name)

Edgar Allan Poe / William Shakespeare / Jane Austen / Guy De Maupassant / William Wordsworth


Identify the tone of this passage as well as TWO words from the passage that led you to believe that is the tone.

As I waited for a turn to speak I realized that my hard work would go unrecognized and angrily swept my pile of reports on the floor. The loud bang stopped the meeting for a few seconds, and then everyone resumed what they were doing. I disgustedly stormed out of the meeting.

The tone is angry, raging, disappointed, disgusted, or bitter.

"angrily", "loud bang", "disgustedly", "stormed out"


Your family had planned to grill hamburgers tonight, but your dad cooked the hamburgers in the oven instead. Provide at least two explanations/inferences.

Weather, grill not working, no propane for the grill.


This is how King Midas reversed the spell.

Wash his hands in the river beneath his garden.


Which quotation supports the idea that Mowgli works hard to be successful in the village of man? 

A “It was not for fun that he had learned while he was with the wolves to imitate the challenge of bucks in the jungle and the grunt of the little wild pig” (par. 2).

B “‘Remember he can never till now have slept on a bed. If he is indeed sent in the place of our son he will not run away’” (par. 3).

C “For three months after that night Mowgli hardly ever left the village gate, he was so busy learning the ways and customs of men” (par. 5).

D “In the jungle he knew he was weak compared with the beasts, but in the village people said that he was as strong as a bull” (par. 6).

C “For three months after that night Mowgli hardly ever left the village gate, he was so busy learning the ways and customs of men” (par. 5).


What is Ms. McBee's birthday? (don't you dare try to guess the year)

December 15th