What are the 3 parts of a scripture address?
Book, Chapter, Verse
What does the word Bible, translated from the Greek language, mean?
How did God create the world?
If I say scripture is inspired by God, what does that mean?
Scripture is "God breathed"
All scripture is from God, he led the authors as they wrote the Bible
From the dust, then he breathes the breath of life into him
Book Chapter:Verse
Who were the first 2 people ever created?
Adam and Eve
What language was the Old Testament originally written in?
The name "Elohim" for God means?
God is a Mighty and Strong Creator
What is the book in this scripture address: 1 John 3:4
1 John
What is the Pentateuch? (also known as the Torah or the law)
The first 5 books of the Bible
What was the major command that God gave to human beings in the Garden?
Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
In Genesis 2, God says that it is not good for man to be.....?
See Mrs. Shappley, answers may vary
What are the verses in this scripture address:
Psalm 139:1-6
How many authors helped write the Bible?
How does the process of creation reveal more of God's character? Support your answer with scriptural evidence.
He creates with order and purpose (creating light on the first day)
He is mindful of his creation (created food before the living things who would need it, gave us light in darkness, etc.)
God is loving and caring towards creation
What was the Garden of Eden like?
Beautiful, full of trees, full of food, perfect place for all life to grow and thrive
What is symbolic about where the Garden of Eden was located? Hint: think about the land feature it was most likely on.
Since 4 rivers had a common source in the Garden of Eden, it is likely that the Garden of Eden was located on a mountain/high place. Mountains symbolize where Heaven meets earth. In the Garden of Eden, God comes down to earth and brings heaven to earth.
Why is the Bible so holy and special?
Because the words are inspired by God
List the 5 books in the Pentateuch and the meaning of each name
Exodus---Going Out
Leviticus--Has to do with Levites & how to be holy
Numbers---Begins with a census
Deuteronomy---2nd Law
Breaks things, from relationships to the earth to our relationship with God. It caused things that were once whole and complete to become broken
If the Bible was written by many different people, then how does the Bible make sense as one connected story?
They were all inspired and led by God. He guided them on what they were supposed to write.
What is the true story of the whole world, and how do you fit into it?
God created a perfect world with his words. He created everything for humans to live well. Then, humans rebelled against God and sin entered into the world. Sin changed the world. God sent Jesus to come to the earth, live a perfect life, die on the cross, and then he was raised from the dead. He defeated death and sin. We fit in because we have the hope that Jesus will come back and make all things new one day.