What does haram mean?
forbidden/not allolwed
1st Sunnah
Make intention to become pure
How many rakats of Isha are there?
what does Fard mean?
Something you MUST do
How old is Sister Sadia?
What does Taharah mean?
2nd Sunnah
Wash hands
What should we do before performing salah?
What does Mubah mean?
How old is Sister Zaineb?
What does Makruh mean?
3rd Sunnah
Wash your private areas
What should we face during salah?
The Qiblah
What does Mustahabb mean?
good to do
What is Luigi's Job in Mario Bros?
He's a plumber
What does wajib mean?
4th Sunnah
Make wudu
What is the 5th step of salah?
What does Makruh Tahrimi mean?
Highly disliked / close to haram
What animal is Spongebob?
He's not and animal he's a sponge!
What does Sunnah Mu'akkadah mean?
An action that Rasullulah preformed regularly
5th Sunnah
Pass water over your body 3 times
What is the 7th nawaqid of salah?
Laughing during salah
What does Sunnah Ghayr Mu'akkadah mean?
An action Rasulullah did sometimes
How many subscribers does Mr. Beast have?
316 million