Clauses and Sentences
Semicolons v. Colons
The Alchemist
Magical Realism

Is the highlighted portion an independent or subordinate (dependent) clause?

According to The Alchemist, each person has a Personal Legend that he or she must choose to follow.



Place commas where needed.  If correct as is, write C. 

English class is supposed to teach you reading writing speaking and listening skills.

English class is supposed to teach you reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.


Add semicolons or colons where needed.  

I was hoping that she would remember one thing when she left to lock the door behind her.

I was hoping that she would remember one thing when she left: to lock the door behind her.


This is where Santiago was from.

Andalusia, Spain


In magical realism, this is how the characters react to magical things.

It is ordinary to them


Is the bolded portion of the sentence an independent or subordinate clause?

The Alchemist is a metaphorical journey, so it should not be taken literally.



Add commas where needed. If correct as is, write C.

Personal narratives are meant to tell brief engaging stories but people are often tempted to write too much.

Personal narratives are meant to tell brief, engaging stories, but people are often tempted to write too much.


Add semicolons or colons where needed.

She didn't study for the test however, she read the whole book and always did well on her grammar quizzes.

She didn't study for the test; however, she read the whole book and always did well on her grammar quizzes.


This was the reason why Santiago became a shepherd instead of a priest.

He wanted to travel and see the world.


What is the element of magical realism in which the human body is celebrated and there are festivities or the celebration of the fantastic? 

The carnivalesque 



What kind of sentence is this?

Although The Alchemist is firmly set in a magically real world, it carries very important lessons we should all apply to our lives.



Add commas where needed. If correct as is, write C.

The Alchemist taught Santiago a variety of lessons but some might argue that his harsh risky teaching style would not have worked for most learners.

The Alchemist taught Santiago a variety of lessons, but some might argue that his harsh, risky teaching style would not have worked for most learners.


Add semicolons or colons where needed.

The following items will be on your Unit 1 Test grammar questions, questions about The Alchemist, questions about magical realism, and questions about the Hero's Journey.

The following items will be on your Unit 1 Test: grammar questions, questions about The Alchemist, questions about magical realism, and questions about the Hero's Journey.



What were the names of the stones that Melchizedek gave Santiago?

Urim and Thummim


What is the significance of time in magical realism?

It is often cyclical, or repeats itself


What kind of sentence is this?

In the beginning of the novel, Santiago is already breaking down tradition by deciding not to be a priest and becoming a shepherd.



Add commas where needed.  If correct as is, write C.

Santiago not Fatima was made aware of his personal legend; however it is not clear if Fatima's legend was to wait for Santiago and become his wife.

Santiago, not Fatima, was made aware of his personal legend; however, it is not clear if Fatima's legend was to wait for Santiago and become his wife.


Add semicolons or colons where needed.

Don't believe everything you hear or read on the internet bias and misinformation is everywhere.

Don't believe everything you hear or read on the internet; bias and misinformation is everywhere.


This was the lesson that the caravan driver taught Santiago.

Live in the present


This group of people embraced magical realism as a genre.

Latino community


What kind of sentence is this?

Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist, did not expect his novel to gain popularity, but it became a bestseller in multiple countries.



Add commas where needed.  If correct as is, write C.

Near the end of the novel when Santiago is getting beaten by the figures at the dunes he doesn't once neglect his Personal Legend; instead he gets up travels back to Andalusia and discovers the treasure that was under his nose the whole time.

Near the end of the novel, when Santiago is getting beaten by the figures at the dunes, he doesn't once neglect his Personal Legend; instead, he gets up, travels back to Andalusia, and discovers the treasure that was under his nose the whole time.


Add semicolons or colons where needed.

He has vacationed in Miami, FL, worked in Los Angeles, CA, and lived in Honolulu, HI.

He has vacationed in Miami, FL; worked in Los Angeles, CA; and lived in Honolulu, HI.


This was the omen that Santiago saw in the desert and what it meant.

He saw two hawks fighting; it meant that the oasis would be attacked the next day.


Name one thing that happened in the short story we read in class that was magically real. (Or just remember the title of the short story we read.)

One event from "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" or "Showdown."