Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
  1. What is an example of a physical change?

    1. Rust developing on an older car. 

    2. A change in the substances odor 

    3. Water changes form from a liquid to a solid. 

    4. An element combining with another to form a compound. 

  • Water changes form from a liquid to a solid. 

  1. Which of the following represents a compound?

    1. H

    2. O

    3. C

    4. NH3


  1. What is an example or definition of a chemical change

    1. Gatorade mix being poured into water.

    2. Making lemonade from lemon juice and water.

    3. The creation of a new substance. 

    4. Water changing form from a li    quid to a solid. 

The creation of a new substance.

  1. What is the universal solvent?

    1. Sugar 

    2. Carbon Dioxide

    3. Water

    4. Salt


  1. What does concentration mean?

  2. A substance that dissolves in water 

  3. A substance uniformly mixed with water 

  4. The substance that breaks down another substance making a solution

  5. Is how much the solute dissolves in the solvent   

Is how much the solute dissolves in the solvent  

  1. A chemical Symbol is a ____

    1. Three letter symbol for an element on the periodic table.

    2. One letter symbol for an element.

    3. Two letter symbols with a Capital letter followed by a lowercase letter. 

    4. Symbol that shows the number of atoms in the element. 

Two letter symbols with a Capital letter followed by a lowercase letter.

  1. A group of letters that make up a substance

    1. Chemical symbol

    2. Chemical Formula 

    3. Chemical Change 

    4. Physical Change 

Chemical Formula

  1. Is “cutting a piece of bread” a chemical or a  physical change?

    1. Chemical 

    2. Physical 


  1. What is an example of a physical change?

    1. Toast in toaster

    2. Soap in water

    3. Oil mixed with gas

    4. Rust

Soap in water

  1. Pure Substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances are called ?

    1. Compounds 

    2. Substances 

    3. Chemical Symbols

    4. Elements 


  1. How many total atoms are there in this compound ( CaCo3) 

    1. 4

    2. 5

    3. 3

    4. 6


  1. Choose the action that is not a physical change

    1. Breaking or Tearing

    2. Formation of a precipitate 

    3. Change in shape

Formation of a precipitate

  1. What is not an example of a chemical change occurring 

    1. The release of energy from a glowstick 

    2. Sensors activating NaN3 molecules to break apart and form nitrogen gas for the air bags. 

    3. Adding Sugar to my Tea in the morning dealing with my rude 2nd period kiddos.

    4. Burning my toast in the morning. 

  • Adding Sugar to my Tea in the morning dealing with my rude 2nd period kiddos.

  1. What is an Aqueous solution? 

    1. The part of a solution that is dissolved in water 

    2. The solvent that dissolves the solute. 

    3. A homogeneous mixture. 

    4. The act of decreasing the concentration of a solution. 

  • A homogeneous mixture. 

  1. What does Dissolution mean? 

    1. The speed at which the physical change happens.

    2. The rate at which the chemical change occurs.

    3. The rate at which a solute dissolves in a solvent.

    4. The rate at which a solvent dissolves the solute. 

The rate at which a solute dissolves in a solvent.

  1. Which of the following is not a way to speed up the process of dissolution?

    1. Agitation.

    2. Temperature.

    3. Surface Area. 

    4. Surface tension.

Surface Tension

  1. If I was to make Lemonade with the following ingredients: Lemon juice, 8 cups of Water, Lemons. Which ingredients would be the solutes?

    1. Lemons and Water.

    2. Lemon juice and the cup.

    3. Lemons and Lemon Juice

    4. Water Only

Water only

  1. Concentration is ______

    1. How much of the solute is dissolved in a given amount of the solvent. 

    2. How long it takes for the solvent to dissolve the solute. 

    3. The act of decreasing the concentration of a solution. 

    4. The part of the solution that dissolves the solute into the solvent. 

How much of the solute is dissolved in a given amount of the solvent.

  1. What is an everyday act that involves dissolution 

    1. Doing Laundry.

    2. Cooking anything that would involve agitation. 

    3. Sweeping the Floor

    4. Drinking a Coke Zero 

Cooking anything that would involve agitation.

  1. Increasing the amount of ___ or decreasing the amount of ____ in a solution will increase the concentration.

    1. Solute/ Solute 

    2. Solvent/ Solute

    3. Solvent/Solute

    4. Solute/Solvent

Solute/ Solvent

  1. Which of the following statements correctly compares elements and compounds? 

    1. Molecules that contain only one kind of atom are pure elements, while molecules that contain only more than one kind of atom are compounds. 

    2. Compounds are formed from atoms, while elements are only formed from molecules. 

    3. Molecules that contain only one kind of atom are compounds, while molecules that contain more than one kind of atom are pure elements. 

    4. Elements can be broken down into compounds which cannot be broken down into simpler substances. 

Molecules that contain only one kind of atom are pure elements, while molecules that contain only more than one kind of atom are compounds.

  1. Increasing the amount of ____ or decreasing the amount of _____ in a solution will decrease the concentration and dilute the solution 

    1. Solvent/ Solvent 

    2. Solute/Solvent

    3. Solvent/Solute 

    4. Solute/Solute

Solvent/ Solute

  1. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

    1. Cutting bread off of a loaf of bread. 

    2. Adding sugar to my coffee.

    3. Burning wood in the fireplace.

    4. Making Lemonade with Water and lemon juice. 

Burning Wood in the fireplace.

  1. he act of decreasing the concentration of a solution

    1. Pouring

    2. Dilution

    3. Dissolving

    4. Concentration


  1. Which of the following is not an example of an everyday compound/element typically found in the kitchen? 

    1. NaCl

    2. Cu

    3. Al

    4. NH3