European Exploration
French & Indian War
13 Colonies
Colonial Expansion
Early French and English Settlements

This is the exchange of ideas, plants, animals, diseases, enslaved persons, and much more between the "Old World", "New World", and West Africa.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


The date of that this war happened (hint: it's 9 years long).

What is 1754-1763?


This is the typical demographics of a person who was coming to the 13 colonies in the late 1600s.

What is Male, White, Young Adult (20s), and Single?


True/False: Not only did the 13 colonies trade with England, but they also traded within the 13 colonies as well (intercolonial trade).

What is True?


This group of individuals roamed the Caribbean sea and would plumage, or overtake, Spanish ships in particular coming to and from the "New World".

Who are pirates?


Glory, gold, and God! are examples of...

What is motivation for European exploration?


This area is filled with natural resources, minerals, and the fastest route to the more western, interior part of the United States. It is a central part to the French & Indian War.

What is Ohio River Valley?


In 1675, after colonists increasingly infringed on Indian grazing lands and communities in New England, this war was the result.

What is King Philip's War?

Early Americans created this institution, which replicated British political institutions and they came to believe they had the same legal authority as Royal Governors.

What is state assemblies?


This type of company offered an alternative way to finance colonial ventures to the "New World". The British used this.

What is Joint-Stock Company?


True/False: Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to reach the North American continent in 1492.

What is False?


This battle, the first battle of the war, was said to have been started by Lieutenant Colonel Washington. Though it was a military victory, it was a diplomatic nightmare.

What is Battle of Jumonville Glen?


This is the % of enslaved Africans in the Southern colonies by 1790.

What is 40%?


These two acts we discussed in class played a pivotal role in trade between the 13 colonies and other countries that were not England.

What is Molasses Act (1733) and Navigation Acts (1651)?


While the English grew their settlements in New England, these two European countries grew their presence in modern-day Canada and New York.

Who are the French and Dutch?


During the early 1400s, Europe was a ______ region siting on the fringes of a prosperous Mediterranean world, which is why they did not navigate/explore as much.

What is weak/poor?


This resolution ended the war in 1763 by:

- giving Spain Florida

- giving all of New France to England (kicking out the French from North America)

What is Treaty of Paris (1763)?


This event occurred when a native group called (insert) fought against colonists in Virginia due to conflicts over land/trade. Nathaniel Bacon led the colonists to fight against the natives, however it was squashed by the Governor of Virginia, William Berkley.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


The colonial cities Charles Town, Philadelphia, New York & Boston all have one thing in common because they are all...

What are (prosperous) port cities?


The beginning of exporting tobacco in 1614 from Virginia lead to the creation of this system that functioned alongside slavery.

What is indentured servitude?


These are the three jobs that many native groups held, especially before European contact.

What is farmers (agriculturalists), hunters, and gatherers?


This specific reason was used by the British government to justify their reasoning for wanting the colonists to pay for their war debts.

What is for their protection?


This is the founder of the Pennsylvania colony, who was a Quaker believed in nonviolence strategies especially when interacting the various native groups.

Who is William Penn?


Increasingly, native peoples were marginalized and used as pawns by these two European countries.

Who are the British and the French?


These are the three reasons for English settlement in North America during the 1600s.

What is social/political, religious, and economic?