Scaled Copies
Scaled Drawings Word Probs.
Scale Factor
Mixed Review

Are the following scaled copies. Explain why or why not.



Suppose a dollhouse is drawn using a scale where 1 inch equals 2 feet. The porch on the dollhouse is 3 inches high. How high is the actual porch of the house?

6 feet


The scale factor for a model car is 24. What does this mean?

That the actual car is 24 times larger than the model car


An automobile is 16 feet long; Suppose there is a scale drawing where 6 inches represents 1 foot. How long would the drawing be? 

96 inches. 


Which ones are a scaled copy of figure A?

B and C


A map has a scale of 1cm represents 50 m.The distance between two shops on the map is 4.5 cm. 

What is the actual distance between the shops?

225 m .  


What is the scale factor? 



What is the largest mammal on Earth?

Blue Whale


Figure 2 and Figure 4


A map of Lewiston has a scale of 1cm to 50m. If it was 5cm long on the map, how many meters would it be in the city of Lewiston?



A scale drawing is 4 cm long. Which one of these scales would produce the largest scaled copy? Explain your reasoning. 

a) 1 cm. equals 1 inch. 

b) 1 cm. equals 1 meter

c) 1 cm. equals 1 foot

b) 1 cm equals 1 meter


A flag is 5 feet wide; Using the scale 2 inches = 1 foot, how long would the drawing be?

10 inches


Which of the following is not a scaled copy. Explain your reasoning. 

Copy 3 is not a scaled copy because...


A model of a barn has been constructed using a scale of 1 inch to 4 feet. If the model’s silo is 18 inches high, how high is the actual silo?

72 feet

Figure A is scaled to Figure B using a scale factor of 5/4. Which figure is larger: A or B? Explain.

Figure B is larger. We know this because 5/4 is greater than one. 


A map of a park has a scale of 1 inch to 1,000 feet. Another map of the same park has a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet. Which map is larger? Explain or show your reasoning.

The map with a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet. It takes twice the number of units on this map to represent the same actual distance covered by the other map. For example, on the 1 inch to 1,000 feet map, it takes 1 inch to represent 1,000 feet in the actual park. On the 1 inch to 500 feet map, it takes 2 inches to represent the same 1,000 feet in the park.


Are the figures scaled copies? If so, what is the scale factor? 

yes, the scale factor is 3. 


Mitch measured the elementary school and made a scale drawing. He used the scale 1 millimeter equals 6 meters. If the actual length of the school yard is 192 meters, how long is the school yard in the drawing?

32 millimeters. 


A man in a photograph is 2 inches in height. If the man is 72 inches tall, what is the scale factor? 



10 cm = 1 m

650 cm = ____ m

6.5 meters