Sourcing/Lateral Reading
Western Expansion
Sectionalism pt. 1
Sectionalism pt. 2
Underground Railroad

This is a record based off of first hand accounts that synthesizes information into an easy to read format.

What is a secondary source?


This is the idea that America has a God-given right to expand from coast to coast.

What is Manifest Destiney?


This man was known as the Great Compromiser.

Who is Henry Clay?


This was the name given to the violence that occurred in Kansas. 

What is Bloody Kansas? (Bleeding Kansas)


This person was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad.

Who is Harriet Tubman?


This is a first hand record from a specific historical period.

What is a primary source?


This group of people herded cattle from Texas to Kansas.

Who are cowboys?


This is Popular Sovereignty.

What is the people of a region voting on laws that effect them?


Known as the "King", this was what the southern economy was based on in the 1800's.

What is Cotton?


Escaping slaves who used the Underground Railroad often went to one of these three places. 

What are Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean? 


A biography is this type of source.

What is secondary?


This is the name for the land received by the US after the Mexican-American War.

What is the Mexican Cession?


In the Compromise of 1850, this was agreed to in addition to the addition of 2 new states, the banning of the slave trade, and the creation of popular sovereignty in the western territories. 

What is a stronger Fugitive Slave Law?


This is why Dred Scott argued he should be freed from slavery.

What is being taken into free territory?


This is where many slaves went after the Civil War.

What is back to the United States?


This is how you practice lateral reading.

What is checking the source and information you are reading to verify it's reliability?


Railroad workers in the West were often members of one of these two immigrant groups.

Who were Chinese and Irish Immigrants?


This is the line that was drawn splitting the Louisiana Territory into Free and Slave land in the Missouri Compromise.

What is the 36°30′ parallel line?


Because of this law, it was determined in the Dred Scott case that the Government cannot deprive slave owners of their slaves.  

What is the 5th Amendment?


This Person was the most famous abolitionist in America, who's home was often the last stop on the U.R.

Who was Frederick Douglass?


These three things can be determined about a source with Lateral Reading.

What are Credibility, Intent, and Bias?


This is the name of the deal that gave Florida to the US.

What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?


These two groups joined together to form the Republican Party.

Who are the Whigs and Free-Soil Democrats?


This is what was determined about all Black Americans in the Dred Scott decision. 

What is they were all not citizens and thus had no rights?


This person interviewed and recorded the story of every slave who came through his safe house, earning him the nickname of "Father of the Underground Railroad".

Who is William Still?