General Chemistry
Chemical Reactions
Physical Properties
What is a reactant?
What is the starting substance in a reaction
Which statement is false? A. Knowledge of chemistry allows the public to make informed decisions B. Studying chemistry ensures that officials make correct choices in funding technology C.Knowledge of chemistry helps prepare people for careers in soil science. D. Chemistry explains many aspects of nature
What is B
In a chemical reaction the type of product obtained is largely determined by which part of the reacting chemicals? (think subatomic particles)
What is electrons
Which of the following indicates that a physical change has taken place? A. fracture formation B. gas production C. precipitate formation D. energy transfer
What is Fracture formation
A horizontal row on the periodic table is referred to as what?
What is period
What is the amount of matter that an object contains
What is mass
Which of the following is an example of chemistry research in the main area of energy? A. producing bioplastics B. specific reactions between drugs and chemicals in cells. C. developing rechargeable batteries
What is C
Complete the sentence: A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood_____________
What is decays, burned
What is the kinetic theory?
What is the particles of matter are in a state of constant motion
What do we use to represent chemical symbols?
What is letters
What is the process by which a liquid is boiled to produce a vapor that is condensed again to a liquid?
What is distillation
What happens to matter during a chemical reaction?
What is matter is neither created nor destroyed
Which of the following indicates that a chemical change has happened during cooking? A. The food darkens B. Bubbles form in boiling water. C. Energy is transferred from the stove to the pan D. Butter melts
What is the food darkens
What are the physical properties of a substance in a liquid state?
What is definite volume, indefinite shape
Which of the following is a chemical change? A. melting cheese B. Fermenting cheese C. grating cheese D. mixing 2 cheeses in a bowl
What is fermenting cheese
What is a compound?
What is a substance that cannot be changed into a simpler substance by chemical means?
Which of the following would a chemist be most likely to study? A. A leaf floating on water. B. A leaf changing colors C. A leaf being eaten by insects D. A leaf being blown by the wind
What is B
Which action changes the identity of the substance referenced? A. melting gold B. running an electric current through copper C. breaking an ice cube D. corroding iron
What is corroding iron
List 3 physical properties
What is color, melting point, boiling point, freezing point, luster, weight
Give an example of a homogeneous mixture
What is stainless steel, vinegar
What is a chemical reaction?
What is a process by which substances are changed into different substances.
There are many reasons to study chemistry. In general, most people study chemistry for all the following reasons EXCEPT? A. The social prestige and honor of being a chemist B. Knowledge of chemistry is important in making informed decisions as a citizen. C. Knowledge of chemistry is important for success in a variety of careers. D. Chemistry can help satisfy your natural desire to understand how things work.
What is A
List 3 chemical properties
What is ability to tarnish, ability to rust, ability to react with another element, ability to react with oxygen.
A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball why?
What is contains more matter
How many phases are in a heterogeneous mixture?
What is 2 more more