Govs Just Wanna Have Fun
Back to the Future… of Government
Philosopher Kings (and Queens)
Tension Headache: Democracy Edition
Liberty and Justice for Y’all

In a dictatorship, who holds the power?

One leader with absolute power.


What influence did Ancient Greece have on American government?

The concept of democracy, where citizens participate in government.


What did John Locke believe about government?

That government should protect people's natural rights to life, liberty, and property.


What is majority rule?

The idea that the decision of more than half the people should be followed.


Which liberty allows people to gather peacefully and protest?

Freedom to assemble.


What is the key difference between a constitutional monarchy and an absolute monarchy?

In a constitutional monarchy, the monarch’s power is limited by law; in an absolute monarchy, the monarch has complete control.


How did Great Britain influence the structure of American government?

The idea of a limited government and a legislative body, as seen in Parliament.


Which Enlightenment thinker advocated for the separation of powers?



How does the Constitution protect individual rights against majority rule?

Through the Bill of Rights, which guarantees specific freedoms regardless of the majority’s wishes.


How does freedom of the press affect the government’s role in a democracy?

It holds the government accountable by allowing media to report on government actions.


In a direct democracy, how are decisions made?

Citizens vote directly on laws and policies.


What aspect of American government was influenced by Ancient Rome?

The idea of a representative government (republic).


How did Thomas Hobbes’ views on government differ from John Locke’s?

Hobbes believed in a strong central authority to maintain order, while Locke supported government by consent of the governed.


How do liberty and security conflict?

Liberty is about personal freedom, while security involves government actions to protect people, which can sometimes limit freedoms.


Give an example of how freedom of religion limits the government’s power.

The government cannot establish a national religion or interfere with individuals' religious practices.


What type of government is an oligarchy?

A small group of people hold power


Which American document reflects the influence of Ancient Greece?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution reflect democratic ideals from Greece.


What principle from Cesare Beccaria influenced the Bill of Rights?

The idea that punishments should fit the crime and the right to a fair trial (influencing the rights of the accused).


Give an example of a civil disobedience conflict with the rule of law.

Civil rights activists breaking segregation laws to protest racial injustice.


How does the Second Amendment (the right to own guns) create a debate about the government’s role in keeping people safe?

Some argue for more regulations to ensure public safety, while others argue for fewer restrictions to protect individual freedom.


Compare the rights of citizens in a theocracy vs. an anarchy.

In a theocracy, rights are often based on religious laws, while in anarchy, there is no government to protect or enforce rights.


How did the Magna Carta from Great Britain influence the U.S. Constitution?

It introduced the idea of limiting the power of rulers and protecting individual rights.


How does Voltaire’s advocacy for freedom of speech appear in the U.S. founding documents?

It is reflected in the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech.


How does local vs. federal control play out in debates about education policy?

Local governments want control over curriculum and standards, but federal laws and funding often impose requirements on states.


How do the rights of the accused protect individuals in the justice system?

They ensure a fair trial, protection from self-incrimination, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.