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The first successful settlement in the Virginia colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony. The settlement became part of the Joint Stock Virginia Company of London in 1620. Grew to be a prosperous shipping port.

What is Jamestown?


an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony, first rebellion in the American colonies in which discontented frontiersmen took part. An overthrowing of the upper class.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


What event was a direct response to the Tea Act?

What is the Boston Tea party


What plan proposed representation in Congress being determined by state population?

What is the Virginia Plan?


What plan was in favor of a one-house senate with equal representation regardless of population size

What is the New Jersey Plan?

a poor person obligated to a fixed term of unpaid labor, often in exchange for a benefit such as transportation, protection, or training.

What is an indentured servant?


Who were the largest group of NON-ENGLISH newcomers from the European continent?

What are the Germans?


What was the first battle of the American Revolutionary War?

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?


Which of the founding documents addressed concerns that anti-federalist had with the Constitution? 

What is the Bill of Rights?


Women who would do their spinning and sewing at home so that they wouldn't buy British goods were called this.

Who are the Daughters of Liberty?


The first joint-stock company in the colonies; founded Jamestown; promised gold, conversion of Indian to Christianity, and passage to the Indies

What is the Virginia Company?


was a slave rebellion begun on Sunday, September 9, 1739, in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies prior to the American Revolution.

What is the Stono Rebellion?


Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence? 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


Which group was in support of the Constitution?

Who are the Federalists?


Which group was in support of the Articles of Confederation?

Who are the anti-federalists?


the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was drafted by the Pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic aboard the Mayflower, seeking religious freedom. It was signed on November 11, 1620

What is the Mayflower compact?


_____________, a Calvinist, took control of New York after the Glorious Revolution. New York became divided along ethnic and economic lines. _________ was hanged and New York politics remained polarized for years afterward.

Who was Jacob Leisler?


A series of laws passed by the British Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party

What are the Intolerable Acts?


a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to promote the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.

What are The Federalist Papers?


Final battle of the American Revolution where the British surrendered after being cornered and outnumbered.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


an English settlement on the east coast of North America in the 17th century, in New England, centered around the present-day cities of Salem and Boston. The area is now in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, one of the 50 United States.

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

A multiyear conflict that began in 1675 with an Indian uprising against white colonists. Its end result was broadened freedoms for white New Englanders and the dispossession of the region's Indians.

What is King Phillip's War?


Written by Thomas Paine, appeared in 1776, was a pamphlet and attacked the constitution of England. Said that the English monarchy was headed to be the "royal brute of England". Wanted independence. Had large impact

What is Common Sense?


Armed uprising of western Massachusetts debtors seeking lower taxes and an end to property foreclosures  

What is Shays's Rebellion


The _______________ has two representatives per state, and the _________________ has representatives determined by a state's population size

What is senate, House of Reps?