Elements of a justification
X Factor
Language Conventions
Video Game Facts
Movies, video games, and music are all forms of __________.
What is entertainment
What are the three elements of a justification paragraph?
What are claims, reasons, and evidence
What are the 4 L's of partner work?
Look at your partner, lean toward your partner, lower your voice, and listen attentively to your partner.
What is one example of a first person, present-tense verb?
Answers may vary
What is the name of the chemical that is released when you play video games?
What is Dopamine
It takes a great amount of ________ to perform a dance routine.
What is coordination
Identify the reason in the following paragraph: After reading the article, I believe that video games cause teens significant harm. One reason is that teens become violent by playing M-rated games. In the article, “both boys and girls who play M-rated games get in fights and damage property more often that teens who don’t play M-rated games” (Gomez 9).
What is "I believe that video games cause teens significant harm".
Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the reason, "One reason reason is that video games can influence teens to become more aggressive." A) No matter where people stand on the issue, they all agree that video games can have incredible power over players. B) The findings show that violent games have significant short-term effects. C) Both boys and girls who play M rated games get in fights and damage property more often than teens who don't play M-rated games. D) A small amount of video game violence isn't going to turn a normal teen into a criminal.
What is C
Choose a verb to disagree to complete the sentence: After reading the text, I ______ the idea that video games harm brain development.
What is "reject", "oppose", or "challenge"
The majority of gamers play...
What is socially, or in a room with other people.
The lower gas prices had a _______ effect on the economy.
What is "significant"
Identify the first person, present-tense verb in the following paragraph: After reading the article, I believe that video games cause teens significant harm. One reason is that teens become violent by playing M-rated games. In the article, “both boys and girls who play M-rated games get in fights and damage property more often that teens who don’t play M-rated games” (Gomez 9).
What is "believe"
Which of the following sentences best concludes the justification paragraph that claims video games are beneficial? A) For these reasons, I agree that video games are beneficial. B) In conclusion, video games really do a good job in helping teens. C) Despite the strong evidence that video games harm teens, ultimately they might benefit teenagers. D) Finally, teens learn a lot from video games.
Choose a verb phrase that communicates that you are undecided about an issue in the following sentence: Although the article includes some interesting evidence, I ______ that violent video games should be banned.
"am ______" <- answers may vary
Surprisingly video games can improve these physical traits:
What is vision and coordination
65% of teens play _____ with other people who are in the small room.
What is socially
What does justify mean?
What is to explain or to show that something is right or reasonable.
Which foreign country did Mr. Hsieh live in for 2 years?
What is Turkmenistan
Choose a verb that communicates that you are undecided in the following sentence: I ______ to endorse Hilary Clinton as president because I don't feel I can trust her.
What is "hesitate"
Why is gaming a beneficial social experience for teens?
It is a beneficial social experience because teens play interactive games with others, and often have to work as a team to solve problems as a group.
Critics say that video games can ______ young people from ______.
What is "distract" ... (answers may vary)
Which sentence contains the writer's concluding point? Additionally, teens become anti-social when video games distract them from the real world. From my experience, my 11 year old cousin spends a significant amount of time playing video games , but when he goes outside to the real world it is hard for him to socialize with people. For these reasons, I maintain the position that video games cause teens significant harm because they influence them to become violent and anti-social.
What is "For these reasons, I maintain the position that video games cause teens significant harm because they influence them to become violent and anti-social."
Name all the teachers that work at Bloomfield High School.
Who are: Albert, Becerra, Bullard, Chen, Chism, Hsieh, Jaquez, Kingsland, Luque, Membribes, Ngo, Tejeda, Tran
Which of the following sentences is incorrect? a. Based on evidence in the article, I support the claim that video games can significantly improve vision. b. One reason I contend the idea that video games are beneficial is that video games can be addictive. c. Based on my experience I am unconvinced that video games are harmful. d. I maintain that the issue is significant.
b. One reason I contend the idea that video games are beneficial is that video games can be addictive.
What are the short term effects of playing video games?
They raise aggression and lower self-control.