hand in =
put off
catch up on =
get up-to-date
look forward to =
anticipate positively
go on to =
Choose the correct collocation!
drop/pass/study a course
Choose the correct word!
He always looks forward for/to/with PE lesson.
Choose the correct collocation!
take/skip/pursue a career
Choose the correct word!
Henry really falls off/from/behind with his homework.
Choose the correct word!
Does she always pay attention to/with/on that boy sitting in the corner?
Do you have a large c____e of friends?
Have you ever s_____d a lesson?
A c_____s person always asks a lot of questions.
I wish I was a s_______e person and had many friends.
The class leader is a s_______s person. She always finishes her tasks on time.
What's the best word to complete the sentence?
Jennifer has a real g___ for music. She plays the violin, the piano and the guitar, all to a very high standard.
What's the best word(s) to complete the sentence?
You have to get a medical degree before you can g__ o__ t__ specialise in surgery.
go on to
What's the best word to complete the sentence?
Air traffic controllers need to be a_______ in their approach to their jobs. One mis.take could cost hundreds of lives.
What's the best word to complete the sentence?
Carl was very p____. He asked five differen girls to dance before one of them fi'nally agreed.
What's the best word to complete the sentence?
I'm looking for a f_____ kind of girl. I want a girlfriend who knows how to have a good time.
What's the best word to complete the sentences?
The only way to c_____ a cold is to be exposed to the cold
On Sundays. Channel 1 shows three episodes of My Way or the Highway so viewers can c______ up on what they may have missed during the week.
What's the best word to complete the sentences?
Try not to fall b____ with your homework or you'll be in trouble at school.
When I play hide-and-seek with my little sister, she always hides b_____ the sofa and I always pretend I don't know where she is.
What's the best word to complete the sentences?
If you dive too d_____, the pressure of the water will make your ears pop.
My brother is not a d_____ thinker. He spends most of his time watching rubbish on television.
What's the best word to complete the sentences?
Wher Holly's musdes ache after the gym, she s_____ in the bath.
I've never been the kind of person who s_____ up knowledge. I have a lot of trouble remembering facts and figures.
What's the best word to complete the sentences?
The most important tool a c ef needs is a s____ knife.
I told you Kyle was s____. He got f.ull marks on the Maths test again.