Reputation and Compute
Compute: to figure out an amount or number
Militant and Militarize
Militant: Willing to fight for a belief or cause; strongly devoted
Militarize: to prepare for war
Capitalize and Decapitate
Capitalize: to make the best of
Decapitate: to remove the head of
Jubilee and Julibant
Jubilee: a joyous celebration
Jublilant: full of joy
Application, Complex, and Duplicate.
Application: 1. a use 2. a putting on
Complex: complicated
Duplicate: to make another; to copy
Confident and Confidante
Confident: sure; certain
Confidante: a female to whom one tells a secret
Associate and Socialize
Associate: to link; to group together
Socialize: to join in group activities
Oral and Oratory
Oral: 1. Having to do with the mouth
2. spoken, rather than written
Oratory: the art of public speaking
Hilarity and Exhilarating
Hilarity: fun; merriment
Exhilarating: bring great joy and excitement
Texture and Textile
Texture: the way something feels to the touch
Textile: cloth or fabric
Sentimental and Sensible
Sentimental: showing or causing a lot of emotion
Sensible: smart and practicle
Host and Hostile
Host: a large group; a great number
Hostile: not friendly; warlike
Oration and Manufacture
Oration: a grand, formal speech
Manufacture: to build; to make
Fruitful and Frugal
Fruitful: bringing forth much; productive
Frugal: not spending much money; cheap
Reveal and Unveil
Reveal: to make known
Unveil: to uncover
Sensation and Incredible
Sensation: a feeling or experience
Incredible: unbelievable
Socialable and Asocial
Socialable: intereacting witn others in a friendly way
Asocial: not enjoying or seeking the company of others
Manual and Emancipate
Manual: done by hand
Emancipate: to set free
Celebratory, Celebrant, and Celebrity
Celebratory: of or relating to a party or ceremony
Celebrant: one who takes part in a ceremony; especially a religious ceremony
Celebrity: a recognition by many; fame
Mantled and Dismantle
Mantled: covered; draped
Dismantle: to take apart
Discredit and Creed
Discredit: to take away belief or trust in
Creed: a statement of belief
Companionship and Accompaniment
Companionship: friendship; company
Accompaniment: something that adds to or goes with
Multilingual and Linguistic
Multilingual: speaking several languages
Linguistic: having to do with the structure of language
Illusion: a false image or idea
Delude: to trick; to fool
Who said the saying "A painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see"?
Philip Guston, American abstract artist