What Chamber is #1?
Right Atrium
What is the Medical Term for Red Blood Cell? (RBC)
Has neither the A nor the B antigen
Has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
Has RH antigen
Arteries carry blood (Blank Blank) the Heart?
What is the progression of the cardiac impulse?
SA node, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje fibers
What Layer is defined as: A thin layer of squamous epithelial cells that covers/surrounds the surface of the heart (Outer Layer)
What component of blood plasma plays a role in blood clotting and the regulation of fluid volume?
Has A & B antigen
Has neither anti-A or anti-B antibodies.
Has no RH antigen
Which Great Vessel receives deoxygenated blood from the upper parts of the body?
Superior Vena Cava
A patient who normally has a pulse rate of 82 beats per minute is admitted to the cardiac unit with a pulse rate of 25 beats per minute.
Which part of the cardiac conduction system is most likely initiating cardiac impulses?
Purkinje fibers
What Chamber is #3?
Left Atrium
When looking under a microscope these White Blood Cells are called (Blank)?
Has B antigen
Has anti-A antibodies.
Has no RH antigen
Which Artery in the body is the only Artery that carries Deoxygenated Blood?
Pulmonary Artery (it is connected to the Right Ventricle and it carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygenated)
What is considered the Primary Pacemaker?
The SA Node (Sinoatrial Node)
What Layer is defined as: A thin layer that lines the chambers of the heart, covers the valves, and continues into the vessels (Inner Layer)
What is the normal life span of a red blood cell?
120 Days
Has A antigen
Has anti-B antibodies.
Has RH antigen
What Valve separates the Right Atrium & Right Ventricle?
Tricuspid Valve
Damage to the electrical pathway at the SA node would be reflected by which change on an ECG tracing?
absent or inverted P wave
Which Chamber has the strongest and thickest Myocardium Layer & Why?
Left Ventricle and because it has the furthest distant to pump blood (all through the body head to toe)
During hemoglobin recycling, heme is initially broken down into?
iron and bilirubin
Normally the human body does not have anti-RH antibodies, when are the 2 times a body will produce anti-RH antibodies?
1. When a RH- mother is pregnant with an RH+ fetus.
2. When a RH- patient receives RH+ transfusion of blood.
What Valve separates the Left Ventricle and Aorta?
Aortic Valve
State the HR Rate Range per Structure
SA Node = (Blank) to (Blank) bpms
AV Node = (Blank) to (Blank) bpms
Purkinje Fibers = (Blank to Blank) bpms
SA Node = 60-100 bpm
AV Node = 40-60 bpm
Purkinje Fibers = 20-40 bpm