Post high school
Hard vs soft skills
applying for jobs
  1. If a college degree is expensive, why is it often considered a good financial decision to go to college?

    1. College graduates always hold higher-paying jobs than high school graduates

    2. College graduates have higher average lifetime earnings than high school graduates

    3. Most people don’t graduate with student debt

    4. After paying tuition, students will have a partial ownership stake in a valuable university

College graduates always hold higher-paying jobs than high school graduates

  1. If Colette signs up for direct deposit with her employer, and her friend Georgia does not, what will be the difference in how the two friends are paid?

    1. Colette will be paid more because there are fewer transaction fees with direct deposit

    2. Colette will be paid more quickly because the funds are transferred electronically rather than by cashing a check

    3. Georgia will be paid more because there are fewer transaction fees if you do the check cashing yourself

    4. Georgia will pay slightly higher taxes because the IRS will need to send her a W-2 next year

Colette will be paid more quickly because the funds are transferred electronically rather than by cashing a check

  1. All of the following are hard skills EXCEPT...

    1. Coding

    2. Accounting

    3. Carpentry

    4. Adaptability


  1. Your friend, Nabila, has a virtual interview tomorrow and is extremely nervous. Nabila should do all of the following things to prepare for her virtual interview EXCEPT…

    1. test all of her technology including internet connection and audio

    2. dress as comfortably as possible; since this is a virtual interview, professional dress is not necessary.

    3. ensure she has a clutter-free background

    4. maintain positive body language during her interview such as good posture and eye contact with the camera

dress as comfortably as possible; since this is a virtual interview, professional dress is not necessary.

  1. Which of the following is the best strategy when using online job boards to find a new career?

    1. Attach your resume to every job posting, even when you're not really interested in the job

    2. Set up a profile, set filters on which types of jobs you're looking for, and sign up for alerts

    3. Only check the job boards once or twice a month so you don't get overwhelmed

    4. Either search for specific job titles you desire or specific companies you'd like to work for, but not both

Set up a profile, set filters on which types of jobs you're looking for, and sign up for alerts

  1. All of the following are options you might pursue directly after high school, EXCEPT...

    1. A master’s degree

    2. A bachelor’s degree from a four-year college

    3. An apprenticeship

    4. A two-year associate degree from a community college

A master’s degree

  1. Which of the following statements explains what gross and net pay are on a paystub from your employer?

    1. Gross pay is the total wages you've earned for the pay period, and net pay is smaller because taxes have been removed

    2. Gross pay is the total wages for just this pay period, and net pay is total wages for the entire year to date

    3. Gross pay is the total wages you've earned with any taxes and contributions removed, and net pay is larger to include all your benefits

    4. Gross pay is the total wages you've earned, and net pay is the total amount in taxes you've paid

Gross pay is the total wages you've earned for the pay period, and net pay is smaller because taxes have been removed

  1. A best practice when networking on LinkedIn is...

    1. Joining as many groups as possible even if they're outside of your interests

    2. Asking for a big favor from a recent connection

    3. Repeatedly private messaging hiring managers to check on the status of your job application

    4. Including a personalized note when sending an invitation to connect

Including a personalized note when sending an invitation to connect

  1. In which scenario would you be MOST likely to use an elevator pitch?

    1. Uploading a recording of yourself to a job board

    2. Introducing yourself to a hiring manager at a community center's career fair

    3. Sending a follow-up email to someone you've formally interviewed with

    4. Greeting anyone you meet while vacationing out of town

Introducing yourself to a hiring manager at a community center's career fair


Which statement is TRUE about the job board posting shown here? 

  1. The job is for an account specialist to work at Indeed

  2. Whoever is hired can expect to make $110,000 per year

  3. This job has a lot of flexibility on work hours and the ability to work from anywhere

  4. AutoNation will provide this employee with multiple types of insurance in their benefits package

AutoNation will provide this employee with multiple types of insurance in their benefits package

  1. Gordon is a recent graduate and is looking for his first professional job. He has submitted his resume to many different companies and has had a few job interviews. Unfortunately, Gordon has not yet received a job offer. What is the best piece of advice you can give Gordon to continue his job search?

    1. Continue to practice his interview skills so he’ll feel positive and confident when the next opportunity arises

    2. Take a break from the job search process. It is recommended to take a 6-week break whenever a job is not offered following an interview.

    3. Call and email the companies that did not offer him a job and demand they explain why he did not get the job

    4. Completely redo his resume and cover letter, and resubmit them to the companies that he previously applied to

Continue to practice his interview skills so he’ll feel positive and confident when the next opportunity arises

  1. All of the following factors influence a career’s earning potential, EXCEPT...

    1. Industry job growth rate

    2. Median salary

    3. Opportunities for advancement

    4. Availability of direct deposit

Availability of direct deposit

  1. Joanna is looking for a new job and wants to improve her LinkedIn profile. All of the following are things she should do EXCEPT...

    1. Update her photo so that it is professional and current

    2. Include vague, generic descriptions for previous job responsibilities

    3. Ask for recommendations from previous coworkers and supervisors

    4. Highlight her soft and hard skills

Include vague, generic descriptions for previous job responsibilities

  1. Grayson has a job interview tomorrow. What is the best advice you can give him?

    1. Don't ask questions during the interview since it will show that he may not know something about the company

    2. Be sure to ask about vacation policy and sick leave since he will want to know how many days he can take off

    3. Plan to arrive at least 60 minutes early for the interview

    4. Do research on the company ahead of time to understand how his role will support the larger organization

Do research on the company ahead of time to understand how his role will support the larger organization

  1. Lilly is working on her first resume and has no previous work experience. What can she do to boost her resume?

    1. Emphasize her education and highlight her strong GPA

    2. Create fictional positions she held in the past

    3. Leave out volunteer experience since it's not paid work

    4. Include a lengthy paragraph at the top of her resume explaining why she has no previous work experience

Emphasize her education and highlight her strong GPA

  1. What is one difference between a resume and a LinkedIn profile?

    1. A resume lists your past work experience while LinkedIn only describes your future goals

    2. A resume includes a professional photo of you while LinkedIn does not have a photo

    3. A resume is tailored for a specific job that you're applying to while LinkedIn can include all of your professional work history

    4. A resume is written in a casual tone while a LinkedIn profile is written in a formal tone

A resume is tailored for a specific job that you're applying to while LinkedIn can include all of your professional work history

  1. When signing up for his company's 401(k) plan, Milton will need to decide...

    1. How much to contribute and what fund(s) to invest in

    2. Whether he wants direct deposit and how much taxes to pay

    3. How much to match his employer and which health insurance plan he wants

    4. Whether he should close his savings account and how large his tax return will be

How much to contribute and what fund(s) to invest in

  1. All of the following are good ways to convince your boss you deserve a raise EXCEPT...

    1. You met or exceeded all of your performance targets over the last year

    2. You’ve taken on responsibilities outside of your job description

    3. Your landlord raised your rent and you need more monthly income

    4. You played a key role in advancing a goal of your organization

Your landlord raised your rent and you need more monthly income

  1. When is it most appropriate to use the STAR Method to answer an interview question?

    1. When you are asked verification questions to confirm the information on your resume

    2. When you are asked behavioral questions to explain situations when you used specific skills

    3. When you are asked opinion questions to see how you would respond to various scenarios

    4. When you are asked creative questions to assess your problem-solving abilities

When you are asked behavioral questions to explain situations when you used specific skills

  1. Which of the following is TRUE about cover letters?

    1. The cover letter presents the same information that is on your resume

    2. A cover letter complements your resume by highlighting your interest in the position and what makes you a strong candidate

    3. Cover letters are typically 2-3 pages in length

    4. You can use the same cover letter when applying for multiple jobs

A cover letter complements your resume by highlighting your interest in the position and what makes you a strong candidate

  1. Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding employee benefits?

    1. All employers offer the same employee benefits, so there is no need to review benefits when offered a job

    2. Employee benefits always cost you extra money, so it is important to choose only a select few when accepting a job position

    3. It is possible for a job with a lower salary to have a better total compensation package when employee benefits are included

    4. Jobs offering a higher salary always offer better employee benefits

It is possible for a job with a lower salary to have a better total compensation package when employee benefits are included

  1. Which of the following would be MOST appropriate to share on LinkedIn?

    1. A picture of a family vacation you went on recently

    2. A review of a movie you saw last night

    3. A blog post written by an expert in the industry you would like to work in

    4. A viral meme that is likely to make your coworkers laugh

A blog post written by an expert in the industry you would like to work in

  1. Professional associations and organizations can help a person succeed in their career because...

    1. They are required by law in order to work in certain industries

    2. Your employer has to give you a raise for each professional organization you join

    3. You can meet new people, gain valuable resources, and broaden your professional network

    4. They provide income to supplement your salary from your job

You can meet new people, gain valuable resources, and broaden your professional network

  1. What is the purpose of an informational interview?

    1. To meet with a hiring manager and submit your job application

    2. To review the terms of a job offer and negotiate

    3. To learn more about an industry or position

    4. To pass the first phone screen after applying to a job

To learn more about an industry or position

  1. Soft skills can be best described as...

    1. Skills that are easy to demonstrate and measure

    2. Skills that highlight a person's ability to work effectively with others

    3. Skills that apply only to a specific position

    4. Skills that are not important to employers

Skills that highlight a person's ability to work effectively with others