Roaring 20s
Alphabet Soup
Name that President
The Great Depression
The name for women in the 1920s that described there loose style of clothing
What is flapper?
This federal act insured bank deposits to help restore confidence in the banking system
What is FDIC?
Teapot Dome Scandal occurred under his administration.
Who is Warren G Harding?
The rise in this among American workers was major result of the Great Depression.
What is unemployment?
This was the term for shantytowns made of cardboard boxes which housed many of the people affected by the Great Depression
What is Hoovervilles?
The banning of the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol
What is prohibition?
Provided jobs for young men to plant trees, build bridges and parks, and set up flood-control projects
What is CCC?
New Deal President
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
During the Roaring Twenties Americans first started using this to buy luxury items.
What is credit?
Farmers were most affected by this event during the Great Depression which blew up dirt and created huge dust storms in the great plains states.
What is Dust Bowl?
Secret illegal clubs that sold alcohol
What is speakeasies?
This built dams to provide cheap electric power to seven southern states; set up schools and health centers
What is TVA?
Stock Market Crash of 1929 occurred during his administration.
What is Herbert Hoover?
_______ on stock prices and buying stocks on the margin (buyers paying only part of the cost of the stock when they make the purchase) using borrowed money that could not be repaid when the stock market crashed in 1929 and stock prices collapsed
What is credit?
These 3 "R"s were promised by FDR, each New Deal Agency focused on one of these promises.
What is Relief, Recovery, Reform
Name the amendment that made alcohol illegal AND name the amendment that made it legal again.
What is 18th Amendment - banned alcohol 21st Amendment - ended prohibition?
This gave relief to the unemployed and needy
What is FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Act)?
Ordered Douglas MacArthur to remove the Bonus Army marchers
Who is Herbert Hoover?
This government agency's failure to prevent widespread collapse of the nation’s banking system in the late 1920s and early 1930s, leading to severe contraction (decrease) in the nation’s supply of money in circulation was a cause of The Great Depression
What is Federal Reserve?
People who left their homes to find work in California became called this
What is migrant workers (ex: Oakies or Arkies)?
A group that asked its members only to vote for people who would ban the use of alcohol?
What is Anti-Saloon League?
This paid farmers not to grow certain crops
What is AAA?
His campaign slogan was "cool"
Who is Calvin Coolidge? ("Keeping Cool with Coolidge")
High protective tariffs that produced retaliatory tariffs in other countries, strangling world trade were a cause of The Great Depression. Name one such tariff
What is Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?
_________ are when a large number of bank customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank is, or might become, insolvent. Much of the Great Depression's economic damage was caused directly them
What is bank runs?