Nominated by President Reagan in 1981, she became the first woman to serve as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Who is Sandra Day O'Connor
Greatly expanded the authority of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor private communications and obtain personal information post 9/11.
What is the USA Patriot Act
This war was the result of Iraq invading Kuwait and fears that it might also invade Saudi Arabia, both of which have vast oil reserves.
What is the Persian Gulf War
A combination of inflation and a stagnant economy with high unemployment. A problem faced by Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
What is stagflation
This (city and state) was the location of massive levee failures during Hurricane Katrina. The result was the destruction of much of the city and the displacement of 400,000 residents of the city. Many never returned after the cleanup and the city was rebuilt.
What is New Orleans, Louisiana
First Lady who pushed for health care reform, later served as a New York Senator, Secretary of State, and twice ran for POTUS.
Who is Hillary Clinton
Healthcare to be provided at little-to-no cost for anyone who cannot afford to pay, and preventing insurance companies form denying coverage to individuals based on "pre-existing" conditions.
What is the Affordable Healthcare Act or ACA
African nation where genocide took place in the 1990s.
What is Rwanda
This economic policy was based on the economic theory that lower taxes will boost the economy as businesses and individuals invest their money, thereby creating prosperity and economic growth that will offset tax cuts. It is also referred to as supply-side economics or 'trickle-down economics' as well.
What is Reganomics
This nation was formally recognized by the U.S. in 1948. It was created from Palestinian lands. The U.S. support of this nation during a war with their Arab neighbors led to the OPEC Oil Embargo.
What is Israel
Critic of the Women's Liberation Movement. Campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment fearing it could ultimately require women to serve in combat roles.
Who is Phyllis Schlafly
This was passed during the Carter years to prevent banks from excluding people in low-income neighborhoods from receiving loans. It required banks to make credit available in poor communities, preventing the decay of low-income neighborhoods in inner cities.
What is the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
This event signified the end of the Cold War.
What is the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Spending on this has led to higher budget deficits, more borrowing, higher taxes, and less money for social programs such as Johnson's Great Society programs.
What is defense spending or military spending
An area know as the "Rust Belt" borders these lakes. It was home to heavy industry and manufacturing.
What are the Great Lakes
Every President since World War II has met with this man who is known as Pastor to the Presidents. Presidents Johnson and Nixon turned to him the most and even offered him positions in their administrations which he turned down.
Who is Billy Graham
This law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment and in public accommodations. Signed into law by President Bush in 1990.
What is the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
In 1999 an independent investigator discovered that a sitting President had lied under oath which is known as perjury. What was the result of this?
What is the impeachment of President Clinton
It created a new trade association with Canada and Mexico. It gradually phased out tariffs between the two countries. Economists believed that free trade between the countries would stimulate the economies of those countries. Critics felt that manufacturing jobs would be lost to countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental laws.
What is North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA
Ronald Reagan supported the Mujahideen in this country after it was invaded by the Soviet Union. His successor's son invaded it after the Taliban refused to turn over Osama bin Laden to the United States following the 9/11 attacks.
What is Afghanistan
A Republican who, while serving as Speaker of the House, essentially drew up a contract stating what Republicans would do if they were elected to the House. It was known as the Contract with America.
Who is Newt Gingrich
A bailout package designed to create new jobs, save existing jobs, spur economic activity, and invest in long-term infrastructure development. Signed into law by President Obama.
What is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Many homeowners couldn't pay their mortgages after their interest rates rose. Mortgage backed securities lost much of their value and as a result banks and investors lost much of their money. President Bush provided emergency relief.
What is the financial crisis of 2008
This organization was formed in 1947 to further encourage trade by reducing tariffs on many commodities. In 1994 it was replaced by the World Trade Organization, an international trade organization that sets up rules for global trade and settles trade disputes.
What is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT
This former nation was located on the Balkan Peninsula. After the Cold War it was divided into separate states. Serbians adopted a policy of "ethnic cleansing" to rid Bosnia and Kosovo of Muslims. President Clinton and the U.S. took action as part of a NATO effort which led to peace.
What is Yugoslavia