The hundred year war was over which throne
The French Throne
War of the Roses was a civil war in this country
Joan of Arc heard this voice that led her to do what she did
Voice of God
The black death killed many Soldiers during this war
100 year War
Wars caused by a disagreement over who should be the new King are called this
Wars over sucession
The hundred Year War lasted
116 Years
The white rose was our symbol
House of York
Joan of Arc was found guilty of witchcraft and this was her punishment
Burned at the stake
The creatures that spread the plague
rats and insects
The renaissance started in this city
Florence Italy
I started this war that would last over 100 years
King Edward III
The red rose was our symbol
House of Lancaster
Joan of Arc was a national Heroine of this country
Before the Black Death this bubonic plague crosses Europe
Plague of Justinian
Limited the kings power
Magna Carta
This treaty preceded the 100 Year War and caused certain lands in France to be under English control
1259 Treaty of Paris
The last Lancaster had this family name
Joan of Arc helped win this major battle
Battle of Orleans
The Black Death killed this much of the population of Europe
My barons and people came close to revolting forcing me to to concede my power
King John
This battle was a turning point and showed that the French would win the war
Battle of Castilian
Who won the War of the Roses
House Tudor
Age when Joan of Arc died
The Black Death was this type of plague
A philosophy that emphasizes human life and importance of reason over supernatural doctrine