
How much is 2 nickels and 7 pennies worth?

17 cents


What is the name and value of this coin?

Nickel and it is worth 5 cents.


What is the name of this coin?

A dime

There are 5 dimes and 3 nickels in Samantha's pocket. What is the value of her change?

65 cents

10+10+10+10+10= 50

50+5+5+5= 65

 Skip count by 10s then 5s. 


10 15 20 25 26 27 28

Students should count by 10's then 5's then 1's to get 28 cents


Which coins have the same value as 50 cents?

A. 2 quarters

B. 3 Dimes

C. 5 Nickels

A. 2 quarters


There are three dimes and seven pennies on the table. What is the total value of the coins?

37 cents


What is the value of the coins shown?  

25 cents


What is the name and value of this coin?

Quarter and it is worth 25 cents.


Kathy has the group of coins below. What is the total value of each type of coin?

Pennies: 2 cents

Nickels: 20 cents

Dimes: 40 cents


Ben says that it takes 100 dimes to make a dollar. Maria thinks it is 100 pennies. Who is correct?

 100    or     100

Maria 100 pennies. 

Reiterate to students the value of a dime (10 cents). Ben would have $10 instead of $1.


What is the value of the dollars shown?



Which coins have the same value as one dollar? 

Ⓐ 50 dimes

Ⓑ 20 nickels

Ⓒ 10 quarters

B. 20 nickels



Draw a line to match the front of the coin to the back of the coin.

Students should show which coin matches which. Display on board.


How much money would Carmen have if she had two $10 bills, three $5 bills, and four $1 bills? Explain.


 Students will sort the money from the largest value to smallest value and count on to find how much money that Carmen has now.

Students should explain how the skipped counted by 10 then 5 then 1


Juan has 4 $10 bills.

Students should skip count by 5's eight times to get 40.


Find the value.


Students should rearrange bills from largest value to smallest. Skip count by 10 then 5 then by 1s. 

Clarification 2: Instruction focuses on the connection to place value and skip counting.


Kim’s friend gave her the five coins shown below. How much money does Kim have now?


21 cents

Reassure students understand those are nickels and a penny. Skip count by 5's then by 1's.

Clarification 1: Instruction includes the identification of a one, five and ten dollar bill and the computation of the value of combinations of pennies, nickels and dimes or one, five and ten dollar bills.


Which is the value of the set of bills?

Ⓐ $5

Ⓑ $6

Ⓒ $15

Ⓓ $30

D. $30

Skip count by 5's.

Clarification 2: Instruction focuses on the connection to place value and skip counting.


Circle all the coins that have a value of 5¢.

Students should point to the nickels. There are 4 of them.


Sandra wants to buy a marker for 50 cents. She has 5 nickels in her pocket and 1 quarter. Does she have enough to buy the marker? Explain


 Sandra has 25 cents worth of nickels  5+5+5+5+5

 She has one quarter which is worth 25 cents. 

 Skip count by 5's. 


1. What is the total value of the coins below?


A.   20 ₵ 

B.   40 ₵

C.   80 ₵ 

D. 100 ₵

D. 100 cents

4 quarters is equal to one dollar.

25₵  +  25₵  +  25₵  +  25₵


What is the value of the dollars shown?



What is the value of the coins below?

A. 10₵

B. 50₵

C. 55₵

D. 60₵

B. 50₵

Skip count by 5's. These are nickels. 


Which coins have the same value as one dollar? Choose two that apply. 

A. 50 dimes

B. 20 nickels

C. 100 pennies

D. 10 quarters

B and C