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What is Benny Brooks known for?
Being the first female pediatric surgeon in Texas
Who is known as the father of ragtime?
Scott Joplin
What does NAFTA stand for?
North American Free trade agreement
Why is property taxes a political issue?
The tax money should be going to local programs but is being divided out 
Why was petroleum, gas and oil in such high demand after WWII?
Because new machines were made that ran off of these products
Who is known for founding and running of the largest selling companies of personal computers who is from Texas?
Michael Dell
What book did Roy Bedichek write?
Adventure with a Texas Naturalist 
What is the difference between and metropolitan area and a rural area?
Metropolitan is a city rural is farmland
What is an economic impact of Taxes in Public education?
Cities aren't growing fast enough for the amount of students. 

Property taxes are maxed out.

What is the OPEC Oil Embargo?
A restraint on how much oil Texas could sell
Why were Michael Debakey and Denton Cooley rivals?
They were both heart surgeons who competed against each other their whole careers
What writer is known for writing about Mexican and African American heritage?
J. Frank Dobie
What does the phrase tea party refer to?
A political party. 3rd party beliefs
What is a political impact of immigration?

Debate about policy reform. Everyone thinks their solution is the best solutions and that makes disagreements happen

Explain the relationship between employment and the real estate market.
When employment is high the market does really well, when employment is low the market drops
Who was on the Apollo 7 mission and orbited around the earth for 11 days?

Walter Cunningham
What is Horton Foote known for?
Writing the screenplay for To Kill A Mockingbird
What is an example of something biomedical?
pacemakers, pumps, artificial hearts, corrective lenses, cochlear implants, dental implants

Why is immigrant labor cheaper than US citizen labor?

Immigrant labor is cheaper because they do not have social security cards so they do not have to be paid minimum wages
Name the 6 cities in Texas that are on the Nations largest cities list.
San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas, El Paso, and Arlington
Who is known for being the first person to successfully perform a heart transplant as well as use the first artificial heart
Denton Cooley
What writer wrote the books, The Longhorns, and The Mustangs?
J. Frank Dobie
What is fracking?

the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas. (Pressurized getting gas and oil out if the ground)

What program causes social impacts of immigration and why is it an issue?
Welfare. Seen as parents only taking money out and not putting money in because they are not paying taxes
What is the difference between civic responsibility and civic duty? Give an example of each.
A civic responsibility is not mandatory by law. Example: Voting, informed, running for office, lobbying

 A civic duty is required by law. Example: taxes and jury duty