What are the short stories Jesus told called?
What was Jesus doing on the boat during the storm?
How many disciples did Jesus have?
How many people did Jesus feed?
What is the reference for this units Bible verse?
Matthew 6: 31 and 33
What ate the seeds that fell on the path?
The birds
What happened when Jesus rebuked the wind and waves?
They stopped
What does the word "disciple" mean?
How many baskets of food were left over after the crowds ate?
What are the three things that we should not be be anxious about?
what we shall eat, or drink or wear
What happened to seeds that feel in the thorns?
They thorns choked the seeds
Who did Jesus and the disciples meet when they got off the boat in Gerasenes?
A man with an unclean spirit
How did John the Baptist die?
He was beheaded
After feeding the crowds, where did the disciples go? And where did Jesus go?
The disciples went on the boat and Jesus went up the mountain to pray.
What should we seek first?
The Kingdom of God
What happened to seeds that fell on the rocky ground?
They had no roots and were scorched with the sun.
What was the name of the unclean spirit?
Finish this sentence: The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are....
How did Jesus join the disciples on the boat?
He walked on the water
Finish this statement: seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and .....
all these things shall be added to you
What happened to seeds that fell on the good soil?
It produced grain, 30, 60 and 100 fold
What animal did the unclean spirit go in when they left the man at he tomb?
Did any other disciples quit following Jesus right after John the Baptist died?
Which disciple walked on the water?
Recite the whole Bible verse for Matthew 6:31 and 33
Therefore do not be anxious, saying what shall we eat, or what shall we drink or what shall we wear? But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.