a structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its surroundings, is known as?
the largest biome of the world. Has two season (winter and summer). Found stretched across Canada.
the organ that pumps blood through your body.
this animals stripes help it blend into its environment, helping it hunt its prey.
a grouping of organisms by their characteristics, is known as?
an environment where an organism lives
has a climate that is so cold/freezing that no trees can grow. Dwarf plants only bloom for 8 weeks during the year. Polar bears and Reindeer live here.
the part of the body that produces movement.
this animal had black skin under its white fur to help it keep warm in its extremely cold habitat.
Polar Bear
this vertebrate has moist skin, lays eggs. The babies live in water and breath with gills while the adults live on land and breath with lungs.
an animal without a backbone
Deciduous Forest
a tube in your body that carries blood from one part of the body to another
Blood Vessel
this animal has a long neck, making it able for it to reach leaves at the top of the tree.
a vertebrate that that feathers, lightweight bones, wings, breaths with lungs, and lays eggs in a hard shell.
an animal that is most active at night is
large stretch of land that grows wheat, barley, and corn. Zebras and Tiger live here.
two large organs in your chest that helps you breath air.
this plant is green and grows spike on its stem. It also has the ability to hold water inside its stem to live in its dry and hot biome.
a vertebrate that has fur/hair, gives birth to live young, nurses young with with milk, and breaths air with lungs.
the surroundings, including living and nonliving factors, that an organism lives
has a hot and dry climate. Receives less than 10 inches of rain per year.
the main part of your nervous system that controls all body activities.
this animal is able to store water in its hump in order to stay hydrated in its hot and dry habitat.
a vertebrate animal that has dry, leathered skin or scales, breathes air with lungs, and lays eggs with, leathery shells or gives, birth to live young