Jesus Was Born
Jesus Was Dedicated
Jesus Was Baptized
Jesus Was Tempted
Jesus Called His Disciples

What made the baby that Mary was going to have so special?

This baby would be the Son of God.


Why did Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple to be dedicated?

To obey God and to obey all the laws so that Jesus would be the perfect sacrifice.


Who baptized Jesus?

John the Baptist


Who led Jesus into the wilderness for how long and why?

The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tempted.


Which disciple of John the Baptist heard him say, "Look, the Lamb of God" and became a disciple of Jesus?



What did the angel tell Joseph in his dream about Mary's baby?

That her baby was of the Holy Spirit and He was to be named Jesus.


What had God promised Simeon that caused him to be at the temple?

God told Simeon he would not die until he saw the Messiah, the One who would rescue people from their sin.


John called for repentance before baptism. Why is that important?

Repentance is the recognition of sin, turning away from it, and turning to Jesus. 


What does the word temptation mean?

The enticement or encouragement to do evil.


Who did Andrew bring to meet Jesus?

His brother, Simon Peter.


Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?

To be counted in the census as Joseph was of the family of David.


How did Simeon find Jesus with Mary and Joseph?

God's Spirit showed Simeon that Jesus was the promised Messiah.


Why did Jesus get baptized?

To obey God and provide an example for us. 


Satan tempted Jesus 3 times, describe at least 2 of them.

Turn the stones into bread to satisfy his hunger, jump from the top of the temple to prove He was the Son of God, receive power and riches from all the kingdoms seen from the mountain top if Jesus would just worship satan.


What did Jesus say to Simon when He met him?

You are Simon, you will be called Cephas (which translates Peter or rock.)


What good news did the angel tell shepherds in the field when Jesus was born?

Today a Savior, who is the Messiah and the Lord, was born for you in the city of David.


Name 2 things Simeon told Mary and Joseph?

(1) That Jesus would save God's people and people from other nations; (2) being Jesus' mother would be a good thing, but also very hard, (3) some people would love Jesus, but others would hate Him; things would happen that would be very sad.


After Jesus was baptized, what did God say?

“This is My Son whom I love and am very pleased with.“


How did Jesus overcome satan's temptation each time?

Using God's Word or scripture.


Jesus said Nathanael was an Israelite who could be trusted, what was the other name for which he was known?



How does Jesus bring you peace with God?

He restores our relationship with God like it was with Adam & Eve before there was sin in the world.


Who was the woman at the temple and why was she there?

Her name was Anna and her husband had died; she stayed at the temple to worship God.


Who is John the Baptist mother?



What kind of sacrifice was required of God to take away sin?

A perfect sacrifice


When can we become disciples of Christ?

When we trust Him as our Savior and Lord.