Types of Groups
Reason for group formation
Personal/Social factors
Specific roles of individuals

What is the acronym for Types of Groups?



What is the acronym for the reason of group formation? 

Lovely Girls Rock Country SOngSSS

Identify the acronym for Personal factors and each factor that contributes to the role they adopt within groups (max 7)


Previous Experience




Sense of Belonging







Identify the T in TSD?

Task Oriented 


How many leadership styles are there??


Explain why a Sporting and Leisure group may form?

  • Maybe long term or transitional

  • The purpose is to have fun, regular meetups

  • Unusually age specific, location specific or creative

  • Members often rely upon each other for motivation


Explain an example to why a group may be formed due to Locality/Geography?

- Proximity

- Group members living in the same area

- School groups


Define Self confidence

Close relationship with self-esteem. A person who is confident in their own abilities means they are likely to take on more challenges.


Outline the the positives of the specific role adopted by an individual amongst a group, who adopts the role Task Oriented 

- ensure task are achieved



Identify characteristics of an Autocratic leadership (min 3)

  • Little or no input from group members

  • Leaders makes almost all of the decisions

  • Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes


Identify the NESA word that is used in the Students to learn to:

Explore various types of groups in the community and explain why each group has formed


Identify the 5rd letter of the acronym and explain the letter, provide a specific example

Sporting and leisure groups:

  • Maybe long term or transitional

  • The purpose is to have fun, regular meetups

  • Unusually age specific, location specific or creative

  • Members often rely upon each other for motivation

  • Example: Little athletics

Identify the R in GRAM and define it

Relationship with group members

Definition - Group members are connected by the relationships that they have with one another. Commonly referred to as Group Cohesion.


Define socioemotional and justify with specific characteristics to support the question

- To maintain/build relationships. 

- Members are concerned with the wellbeing of groups and its member

- They work at knowing each other’s members so that they can best cater to their needs.

Characteristics include:

  • Peace-maker

  • Encourager

  • Advocate

  • Social organiser


"Mr Smith is a warm, friendly, but ageing Biology teacher. He is well liked by his students. It is the last lesson of the day; students are enthralled by his explanation of the feeding habits of grey nurse sharks.

Suddenly the emergency alarm sounds loudly; it is a long ring, punctuated by short bursts. It stops only for an announcement telling staff to secure their classroom. Student safety is paramount, it advises. Everyone must get under their desks and remain quiet. There is an intruder lurking the school grounds."

Identify the initial leadership style that was adopted and then changed in the following scenario.

Democratic to Autocratic 


Provide 3 relevant examples to Other specific groups within the community

  • support for victims of tragedy such as bushfires

  • peace day or protest groups - peaceful & otherwise

  • St Vincent de Paul


 justify why they belong to each group

Answer will be determined


Explain how social factors contribute to an individual's sense of belonging within a group?

Answer will be determine (But needs to involve at least 2 social factors as an example)


What does Conformity mean?

What are some examples?

Is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours to group norms.


  • Buying certain types of clothing because other people in your social group are wearing them.
  • Saying that you agree with other people in your social group just because you don't want to stand out.
  • Standing up when you notice that other people are also standing up
Justify the definition Self-leadership

Self-leadership applies to individuals who have a developed sense of who they are, possess a surety of their knowledge and capabilities, and have a clear vision of their goals (own or groups).


Identify what group this is?

When individuals feel connected, engaged and included in academic or active work, their degree of personal satisfaction and wellbeing is heightened.

Study and work groups


Identify the missing words from the syllabus:


• locality/geography

• gender

• shared _______/common goal

• security

• sexuality

• _________

• social interaction

• culture

• ______

• other

Students learn to:

  • _______ examine groups to which they belong by:

  • identifying the type of group

  • explaining why each group formed

  •  justifying why they _____ to each group

reasons for group formation

• locality/geography

• gender

• shared interest/common goal

• security

• sexuality

• specific need

• social interaction

• culture


• other

Students learn to:

  • critically examine groups to which they belong by:

  • identifying the type of group

  • explaining why each group formed

  •  justifying why they belong to each group


Identify the missing words in the syllabus

factors that _________ to the role they adopt within groups

  • personal factors

  • self-______

  • self-confidence

  • ____ of belonging

  • education

  • _______
  • previous experience

  • Culture

Student learn to:

  • _____ the extent to which personal factors impact on the _____ _____ _____ __________ _______

factors that contribute to the role they adopt within groups

  • personal factors

  • self-esteem

  • self-confidence

  • sense of belonging

  • education

  • heredity

  • previous experience

  • Culture

Student learn to:

  • assess the extent to which personal factors impact on the role they adopt within groups


Determine the specific roles they adopt in the groups to which they belong and propose how and why their roles may vary

Answer will be determined (Needs to include SHE SEAS and needs to include at least one TSD)

Identify the missing words in the syllabus dot point:


  • ____-leadership

  • leadership styles, eg ________, democratic, laissez faire, Transformational

  • leadership ________ and _________

Students learn to:

  • assess the role of self-leadership in contributing to positive ___________ relationships and ____ achievement

  • _______ styles of leadership and ______ the effectiveness of each in a variety of situations, eg small workplace, committee


  • self-leadership

  • leadership styles, eg autocratic, democratic, laissez faire, Transformational

  • leadership adaptability and flexibility

Students learn to:

  • assess the role of self-leadership in contributing to positive interpersonal relationships and task achievement

  • compare styles of leadership and assess the effectiveness of each in a variety of situations, eg small workplace, committee