The Statue of Liberty is an example of what?
What is multiculturalism?
The support and appreciation of ethnic diversity within a society.
Values are consistently changing from experiences and events. They are not static, but instead ____.
______ is the modern trending topics among cultures spread via mass media.
Popular culture.
_______ are commonly based on age, gender, race, religion, etc.
What is ethnocentrism?
The belief that one's culture is superior.
Smiling at people when walking by is a way of greeting people in the U.S, but compared to Russia, smiling without reason is distasteful. What could this action be considered?
A cultural custom or norm.
_____ are traits that are a part of every known culture.
Cultural universals.
Proscriptions are considered mores that we must or must not do?
Must not do.
What is social control?
The use of social pressure by authority figures in society to influence someone's thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
In America, shaking hands when meeting someone is a common greeting but is not required. What is this type of norm called?
A folkway.
___ is when individuals from one culture adopt something from another while maintaining their own culture.
Cultural integration.
Suppose you grew up in Bangladesh, moved to the United Kingdom, and were immediately presented with food very different from what you are used to; what may you experience as your initial reaction to the change?
Culture shock.
What is cultural diffusion?
The disperse of important cultural elements from one society to another.
What type of culture made up of beliefs and traditions?
Nonmaterial culture.
_____ are informal culturally-declared norms, meaning it won't be a big deal if broken.
The physical objects and artifacts apart of a culture are called ___.
Material culture.
What is intergenerational transmission?
The passing of cultural traits from one generation to the next.
Hippies praised a gentle ideology that favored peace, love, and personal freedom. This opposed political and social orthodoxy, which were widely accepted cultural norms. Hippies could be considered what?
A counterculture.
____ is a controversy in a cultural system causing elements of the culture to change at unequal rates.
Uneven cultural development.