The FIRST month of El Invierno is...
In El Invierno it is often...
You usually wear your zapatos on your...
It’s el verano and hace calor. You’re going to the beach. What do you wear?
If está nevando, you should wear these three items..
El abrigo, la bufanda y los guantes/la gorra/calcetines (as long as THREE of these are mentioned, points are yours!)
The season of El Verano includes these three months...
Junio, Julio y Agosto
In El Verano, the weather is usually...
caluroso/hace calor
In el invierno, you wear el abrigo, la bufanda, los guantes, and…
el gorro!
It’s el invierno, hace frío, and it’s snowing. What two things should you wear on your hands and neck?
Bufanda y los guantes!
This month is often misspelled in Spanish and comes after Octubre...
El Otoño begins in this month...
If you can't see the sun because of the clouds, the weather is...
In el verano, you wear el bañador when you go to…
el banador/traje de bano
It’s el otoño, and hace viento. You want to stay warm but don’t need a coat yet. What do you wear?
El sueter!
If it's cold, you wear this around your neck...
la bufanda!
Valentine's Day is in this month
If the wind is strong, you can usually say...
Hace viento!
Before going to bed, you change into el pijama. In the morning, you change into…
la ropa!
You’re outside on a rainy spring day. It’s not cold, but you don’t want to get wet. What should you wear?
You wear these between los zapatos and los pantalones...
Los calcetines!
This season includes March, April and May.
In la primavera, it often rains. The word for "rain" in Spanish is…
A girl might wear una falda, but a dress is called…
It’s a warm, sunny day, but suddenly it está nublado and está lloviendo. What two clothing items might you regret wearing?
La camiseta y los pantalones cortos!
Who is this?
Poppy the Hippo! Located in Virginia Zoo!