Absorbing energy
what is endothermic energy
Releasing energy
What is exothermic energy
The process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen
What is endothermic
When substances interact to form new substances
What is a chemical reaction?
endothermic reactions take in energy, while exothermic reactions give off energy
What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic energy
endothermic reactions take in energy, while exothermic reactions give off energy
What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic energy
Chemical energy stored in the form of sugar
what is the energy that plants generate?
An atom is the basic building block of chemistry.
What is an atom
when a chemical system absorbs heat energy from its surroundings
what is one way an endothermic reaction can occur
when a chemical reaction releases heat energy to its surroundings
what is one way an exothermic reaction can occur
light absorption by chlorophyll, electron transfer, generation of ATP (energy molecule), and carbon fixation
what are the steps of photosynthesis
when iron or some alloys that contain iron are exposed to oxygen and moisture for a long period of time
how is rust formed
a constant input of energy, usually in the form of heat, from the surrounding environment to break the bonds in the reactants
What things are required for endothermic reaction
the energy released when new bonds form in the products must be greater than the energy needed to break the bonds in the reactants
what things are required for exothermic reaction
sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll
what things are required for photosynthesis
Reactants and products.
what are the things required for a chemical reaction?
the reactants absorb heat energy from their surroundings to form products
what is the process of an endothermic reaction?
energy is released from the reacting chemicals into the surrounding environment, typically in the form of heat, causing the temperature of the reaction mixture to increase
What is the process of an exothermic reaction
Chlorophyll is any of several related green pigments found in cyanobacteria and in the chloroplasts of algae and plants.
what is Chlorophyll
atoms are rearranged to form new substances by breaking and forming bonds between them
what are the steps of a chemical reaction?