what elements are on the paycheck?
name, address, social security number
How much will the average worker earn a week who did not graduate high school?
FAFSA stands for Free application for ______ student aid
be __!
the amount of money you earned before deductions and taxes
Gross pay
In the US, many families in a low-income group (the bottom 20 percent) spend more than ___ % of their income simply paying off debts.
true or false
Payment plans on federal student loans can be adjusted, based on how much you're earning in the begining of your career
Show interest in the ______
person whos interviewing you
the amount you’ve earned since the beginning of the year to now.
A minimum wage job that pays $15 per-hour works out to $31,200 in yearly wages, if you were to work 40 hours every week. That pay is nearly on par with what you'd earn for a college major in ___________ — a college degree that ranks the worst in terms of median pay within five years of graduation
family and consumer science
if you are an undergraduate student, under the age of ___, single with no children, you will likely be classified as a dependent student for FAFSA purposes
Professionally written resumes are not only good for landing an interview, but they can also boost your earning potential by ___%
true or false
Charitable donations can be a tax deduction, or in other words, make it so you have more taxes to pay if you donate to charity
____% of college students received money from scholarships and grants.
Building a resume tip # 4: When you write about your previous work experience, it is always a good idea to _______ your successes with numbers