Direct, Fast-Paced, Results-Oriented
Characteristics: Direct, impatient, decisive,
Priorities: Action, accomplishment.
How to Communicate: Be direct, use bullet
points, focus on results.
Best Careers: Sales, leadership,
What is energizer?
Learns best by hearing, listening, and discussing.
What is auditory?
How many communication styles are there?
What is four?
Hands-on, practical, enjoy
working with tools, machines,
or outdoors.
What is Realistic (doers)?
Direct, Fast-Paced, Relationship-Oriented)
Characteristics: Charismatic, creative, full of
ideas, visionary.
Priorities: Innovation, new methods, big picture.
How to Communicate: Allow brainstorming,
emphasize creativity, follow up with a to-do list.
Best Careers: Marketing, design,
What is innovator?
diagrams, videos, color-coded notes, mind maps are helpful for this learning style
What is visual?
describes the different ways people take in, process, and remember information.
Learning styles
People-oriented, enjoy
teaching, supporting, and
(Indirect, Slow-Paced, Results-Oriented)
Characteristics: Logical, analytical, organized,
Priorities: Facts, order, details.
How to Communicate: Use data, provide
structured information, avoid rushing
Best Careers: Engineering, accounting,
What is systemizer?
Another word for tactile learning
What is kinesthetic?
What is the interest finder assessment about?
your interests and how they could relate to future career options.
Curious, analytical, enjoy
problem-solving and research.
Investigative (thinkers)
(Indirect, Slow-Paced, Relationship-Oriented)
Characteristics: Friendly, empathetic,
spontaneous, perceptive.
Priorities: Relationships, people.
How to Communicate: Build rapport, connect
results to relationships, seek their opinions.
Best Careers: Counseling, social work, HR.
What is associator?
Learns best by reading and rereading the textbook or their notes, writing and rewriting their notes.
What is read/write?
assessment that categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on preferences in four key areas.
What is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?
Expressive, imaginative, enjoy
creativity and originality.
What is Artistic (creators)?
Abilities and talents that influence career success,
including problem-solving, communication, technical, and interpersonal skills. (not a communication style)
What is career aptitude?
Some ways hands-on learners can study
What is building models, role-playing, and using gestures while learning?
Assessments designed to evaluate skills, interests, and personality traits to suggest suitable careers.
What are Career Aptitude Tests?
How many categories does John Holland's career interest theory split people into
What is six?