Es la una
what is 1:00
Spanish name for face.
What is la cara?
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
what weather does it make today?
capital of Perú
what is Lima
7:30 AM
What is son las siete y treinta de la mañana?
Spanish word for the hand.
What is el mano?
hace frio
what is it makes cold
What country is Buenos Aires in?
what is Argentina
¿qué hora es?
What hour is it?
El brazo in english.
what is the arm?
Esta nevando
what is it is snowing
what country speaks brazilian?
What is Brasil
¿cuál es la fecha de hoy?
what is hoy es lunes, el tres de febrero.
Spanish word for leg.
What is la pierna?
hace mal tiempo
what is it makes bad weather
Country on the Panama border
what is Colombia
translate: De le madrugada
what is of the early morning
The human body
esta nublado
what is it is cloudy
what country has two capitals?
what is Bolivia