a group of individuals of the same species living in the same location
a genetically identical organism or section of DNA
Rapid growth, cold tolerance and/or resistance to disease
advantages of cloning technology
a property of the environment relating to nonliving things
abiotic factor
the maximum population size that an environment can sustain indefinitely
carrying capacity
the total number of individual alleles within a particular population
gene pool
a type of reproduction where one organism divides into
binary fission
the division of an early embryo into several individual embryos
embryo splitting
a property of the environment relating to living things
biotic factor
interactions between two organisms of different species where both parties experience some overall benefit
a section of DNA that carries the code to make a protein
a type of reproduction where a group of cells break away from the original organism to form a clone
a cell that has had its nucleus removed or destroyed
evolved modifications to an organism’s physical structure
structural adaptation
interactions between two organisms of different species where one gains some benefit while the other experiences no significant benefit or harm
the fusion of two distinct haploid gametes to produce a single diploid zygote composed of two sets of chromosomes
sexual reproduction
a type of reproduction where a parent organism breaks into parts, each of which may develop into individual clones
reduction in genetic diversity
disadvantage of cloning technology
evolved modifications to an organism’s internal functioning or metabolic processes
physiological adaptation
interactions between two organisms of different species where one organism experiences some negative effect while the other experiences neither a beneficial nor negative effect
producing offspring without the fusion of gametes
asexual reproduction
a type of reproduction where an embryo can develop from a single unfertilised gamete
the transference of a somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated egg cell
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
evolved modifications to an organism’s actions
behavioural adaptation
species whose effects on an ecosystem are greater than expected relative to its population size
keystone species