The Protestant Reformation
The Wars of Religion
The Catholic Reformation
16th Century Society and Politics
Art of the 16th Century Mannerism and Baroque

This German Monk's 95 theses criticized the sale of indulgences and sparked the reformation in 1517.

Who is Martin Luther?


This conflict (1562-1598) saw the Catholic League against the Huguenots and ended with the Edict of Nantes. 

What is the French wars of religion?


This 1545-1563 council sought to address issues of corruption and clarify Catholic doctrine in response to Protestant critiques.

What is the Council of Trent?


This term refers to the system of government that began to decline in the 16th century, as centralized monarchies gained power.

What is Feudalism?


The shift in focus for art in a changing Europe.

What is back to religion? 

The English King who broke from the Catholic Church to establish the Church of England war?

Who is Henry VIII?


This war, fought from 1618-1648 involved a struggle between catholic and protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire. 

What is the Thirty Years War?


This Spanish mystic and Carmelite reformer is known for her writings on spirituality and her role in the Counter-Reformation.

Who is Teresa of Avila? 


The Invention of this device in the 1440's helped spread Renaissance ideas and fostered literacy in 16th century Europe. 

What is the Printing Press?

A style of art that merged classical ideas of the renaissance with Religion. 

What is Baroque? 


This theological doctrine  emphasized belief in predestination 

What is Calvinism?


This event in 1618 is often considered the starting point of the Thirty Years' War, involving the defenestration of two Catholic officials

What is the defenestration of Prague? 


Founded in 1534 this religious order emphasized education and missionary work to combat Protestantism. 

What are the Jesuits? 


This 1555 treaty allowed German princes to choose between Lutheranism and Catholicism, marking a significant step in religious freedom.

What is the Peace of Augsburg? 


An Art Style criticized for "copying" the Renaissance without all its genius.

What is Mannerism?


This Swiss reformer is known for work in Geneva and his influence on Protestant Theology.

Who is John Calvin?


This ended the Thirty Years War and established a new balance of power in Europe recognizing the sovereignty of individual states. 

What is the Peace (treaty) of Westphalia? 


This pope (1534-1549) was pivotal in initiating the Counter-Reformation and called the Council of Trent.

Who is Pope Paul III? 


This English monarch's reign (1558-1603) is noted for the _____________________ Settlement, which sought to establish a middle ground in religious practices

Who is Queen Elizabeth I?


Name this Artist:

Who is El Greco?


The Council of Trent was a response to the reformation and it was convened by this group. 

What is the Catholic Church?


This famous massacre in 1572 saw thousands of Huguenots killed in Paris, symbolizing the intense religious conflict in France.

What is the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? 


This famous art movement during the counter-reformation aimed to inspire faith and devotion throughout emotional and dramatic imagery. 

What is Baroque art?

A celebration that was designed to replace Carnival centered around the more general celebration rather than the preparation for penance associated with Carnival.

What is "Saints Day" or "All Saints Day."


Name this Art Piece:

What is "The Elevation of the Cross" by Peter Paul Rubens.