God’s self-communication to humanity.
What is Divine Revelation?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
What are the three Persons of the Trinity?
Belief in one God.
What is monotheism?
This Divine Person's role in the Trinity is to be the Creator.
Who is God the Father?
Someone who dies for their faith because of their selfless love like St. Maximilian Kolbe or St. Oscar Romero.
What is a martyr?
The knowledge of God through reason and creation.
What is natural revelation?
The analogy used by St. Patrick to explain the Holy Trinity.
What is the shamrock?
The view that any ultimate reality is unknown and unknowable.
What is agnosticism?
The essence or nature of something. For example, Loki's is divine.
What is substance?
The highest form of love according to Christian Doctrine.
What is agape?
Can be seen as either opportunities or traps depending on the intentions of the one who gives them.
What is tests?
The Council of Chalcedon emphasized that Jesus is both of these.
What is fully God and fully human?
A polytheistic religion that believes in Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva.
What is Hinduism?
The Sanctifier or the "one who makes things holy".
What is the Holy Spirit?
The Greek word for friendship. If you watched the Super Bowl, the winning team from this city is the city of brotherly love.
What is philia (Philadelphia)?
Our personal response to God's Revelation.
What is faith?
This emperor ended the persecution of Christians.
Who is Constantine?
The worship of a single primary god without denying the existence of other gods.
What is Henotheism?
This type of meeting brings bishops and other church authorities together in order discuss and define questions of Christian doctrine, administration, discipline, and other matters.
What is ecumenical council?
The kind of love shown by Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Peter Parker (Spider-Man) in the MCU.
What is storge?
According to David Foster Wallace, this is how we break free from the "natural default setting".
What is awareness/paying attention?
The main purpose of the Council of Nicaea was to define this.
What is Jesus is truly God?
This religion believes through nirvana, you can end the cycle of reincarnation and suffering.
What is Buddhism?
The Holy Spirit is compared to a ______ shared out of love between the Father and his perfect image, the Son.
What is "sigh"?
This saint said, "if you see love, you see the three — the one who loves (the Father), the one who is loved (the Son) and the love itself (the Holy Spirit)."
Who is St. Augustine of Hippo?